The Cafe Dot Quilt

a quilt started by ⭐Sodor on Aug 6, 2023, completed on Aug 13, 2023

Theme: "Cafe Dot / Matcha"
Let’s celebrate the Cafe Dot server with a quilt, featuring our mascot, Matcha! You are encouraged to draw cafe related things as well as Matcha and even your cafe-sonas! Enjoy and have fun!

As always, please do your best to stay on theme and integrate the edges of your neighbors as much as possible! Please also leave some interesting edges for your future neighbors :3c

If you are interested in a Discord server that is working towards being a hub outside of social media for art and art enjoyers, check out the server!
6x7 square tiles, each 48x48 pixels in size
Visible border of 16 pixels available for collaborating
Edges of the quilt wrap both horizontally and vertically
Tiles become visible when their neighbours are complete
Checkout Rules
You'll have 27 hours to complete your tile after checkout
A maximum of 4 tiles per user, please
Only colors from Orchard 32 (created by Sodor) palette are allowed. The server will clamp any offending colors to the nearest color from this palette!
Contributors (27)
glacier (4), GreenMach1ne (4), CruelusRex (3), ZeroGauna (3), DankShamwow (2), graylure (2), Prism Emerald (2), TofuPixel (2), Vivante_ (2), 0ntheFritzzz (1), ⭐Ade (1), Bushcrank (1), CasualJoe (1), Eris (1), Flinigan (1), fydo (1), KuroSimba (1), MHBali (1), minimoonbun (1), Obee (1), PapaPh4nt0m (1), Revvy (1), ⭐Sodor (1), SovanJedi (1), TitoDito (1), ⭐Virus610 (1), Winomas (1)
42 tiles completed! - Download 288x336 PNG     Creative Commons Licence
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11 Starter Tile by ⭐SodorAug 6, 2023
8 Matcha Yoga by TofuPixelAug 6, 2023
4 Fydo and Matcha by FliniganAug 6, 2023
5 Croissant and menu by Vivante_Aug 6, 2023
4 Utensils, Carpets, and More! by DankShamwowAug 6, 2023
4 You are welcomed to have coffee and a croissant by ⭐Virus610Aug 6, 2023
8 Meet Chai! by glacierAug 6, 2023
5 Cafe corner by MHBaliAug 7, 2023
4 Lord Snek by CruelusRexAug 7, 2023
4 Cool Bottle Shelf by SovanJediAug 7, 2023
4 The Tea Cools in Peace by PapaPh4nt0mAug 7, 2023
4 The lost toilet scroll by CruelusRexAug 8, 2023
4 Race Car bed, Matcha Gobbos, and Slimes! by KuroSimbaAug 8, 2023
1 River bank by ErisAug 8, 2023
1 Doorway by TofuPixelAug 8, 2023
2 Sandwich by Prism EmeraldAug 8, 2023
3 Matcha spots a RAT by ⭐AdeAug 8, 2023
1 GreenMach1ne TIle by GreenMach1neAug 8, 2023
3 Cozy Bath House by GreenMach1neAug 8, 2023
3 The Smallest Guests by BushcrankAug 8, 2023
2 Snake Cafe by GreenMach1neAug 9, 2023
3 Cloudy the painter by CruelusRexAug 9, 2023
3 spoon by graylureAug 9, 2023
2 LilyMatchaPad by Prism EmeraldAug 9, 2023
5 We Only Got One Rule Here by glacierAug 9, 2023
3 Do you see kitties in the clouds? by 0ntheFritzzzAug 9, 2023
2 Matcha's matching trip by ZeroGaunaAug 9, 2023
2 No Running, Wet Floor by GreenMach1neAug 10, 2023
5 angel in a cafe by graylureAug 10, 2023
2 Balloony by ObeeAug 10, 2023
8 JD & Tofu + :matchapawL: by WinomasAug 10, 2023
3 Paw print, string and rug by Vivante_Aug 10, 2023
2 Watery Mix by ZeroGaunaAug 11, 2023
3 Balloons by CasualJoeAug 11, 2023
3 The Mysterious Reality-Bending Non-Euclidian Party Vase of Mystery (Featuring Plank from Ed, Edd, 'n' Eddy!) by DankShamwowAug 11, 2023
2 Matcha 2d Platformer by RevvyAug 12, 2023
4 Matcha Gathers Water for the Coffee Maker~ β™₯β˜•,πŸš°β“ by glacierAug 12, 2023
3 Stuck in Paradise by ZeroGaunaAug 12, 2023
4 The back pier by TitoDitoAug 12, 2023
3 Hello JD! Er, do you need a hand with your plumbing issues? by fydoAug 12, 2023
4 latte foam cat and noms by minimoonbunAug 13, 2023
5 𝕋ℍ𝔼 ℂ𝕆𝔽𝔽𝔼𝔼 π”Ήπ•†π•€π•ƒπ•Š 𝕀ℕ 𝔸ℕ𝔾𝔼ℝ by glacierAug 13, 2023