ack's Villainous Rampage

a quilt started by ⭐ack on Apr 5, 2022, completed on Nov 25, 2022

Theme: "Villainous Rampage"
The villains have escaped Fydo Asylum and have wreaked havoc on the city! Draw your own original supervillain rampaging around the city!
6x6 rectangular tiles, each 65x50 pixels in size
Visible border of 30 pixels available for collaborating
Edges of the quilt wrap both horizontally and vertically
Tiles become visible when their neighbours are complete
Checkout Rules
You'll have 24 hours to complete your tile after checkout
Only colors from the AAP-64 palette are allowed. The server will clamp any offending colors to the nearest color from this palette!
Contributors (25)
Haboo (4), ⭐ack (3), glacier (3), Gors (3), casho (2), Empress (2), aaayal (1), allied_almond (1), badanine (1), banter (1), Blobbing4Pixels (1), Grunion (1), helperman (1), jayevrd (1), Keigun (1), LienTheAlien (1), Lunar (1), Maiyo (1), ⭐nateycakes (1), NatSara (1), setVanilla (1), shedinja (1), SymbolsWriter (1), Wabble (1), yaisobog (1)
36 tiles completed! - Download 390x300 PNG     Creative Commons Licence
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@Haboocas ack @windfallapples @Spritergors casho Empress aaayal @allied_almond badanine banter Blobbing4Pixels @fart helperman @jayevrd Keigun @LienTheAlien @LunarTheEye Maiyo @nateycakes_ @Disasterfae @MekaGirlVanilla shedinja @SymbolsWriter Wabble @yaisobog
6 The Milk-Man by ⭐ackApr 5, 2022
1 River Factory by KeigunApr 5, 2022
10 LUKAS by jayevrdApr 6, 2022
1 the green-goober by ⭐ackApr 6, 2022
4 Helios by MaiyoApr 6, 2022
1 The roots by setVanillaApr 7, 2022
5 The Handgun Ooze is Taking a Break. by glacierApr 7, 2022
3 If she was "fair," we would not have made her "optional." by glacierApr 7, 2022
3 Geometry-Bot by cashoApr 9, 2022
MR. SCREAMING THING by LunarApr 22, 2022
The Crabken by Blobbing4PixelsApr 24, 2022
5 ice ice baby by shedinjaApr 29, 2022
3 Radioactive Slime by EmpressMay 2, 2022
3 Mr. Mathematics by EmpressMay 2, 2022
lavaman by helpermanMay 4, 2022
1 A different kind of angel by NatSaraMay 15, 2022
The Iron-Clad by badanineMay 20, 2022
1 The Skronkler Strikes (.| |. ) by WabbleJun 7, 2022
4 Run For Your Lives!! by GorsJun 17, 2022
2 Mistress of Darkness, Mewtsukki by GorsJun 19, 2022
3 Je suis Meen, mais suis-je méchant? by HabooJul 14, 2022
2 BEWARE DA GOOP by ⭐nateycakesJul 18, 2022
7 small bat wielding criminal by allied_almondJul 21, 2022
4 The Horrifying, Devouring Edge; Differentiator, Builder of Walls by glacierJul 22, 2022
3 brain villain by LienTheAlienAug 30, 2022
2 AAAH!! Combative Math!! by GorsSep 7, 2022
1 The Malicious Mole Mech by ⭐ackSep 12, 2022
3 Evil Balls by GrunionSep 12, 2022
3 Mr. Cheese by banterSep 21, 2022
fire-spitting lizard by cashoSep 22, 2022
Lord Ufore by yaisobogNov 16, 2022
4 Cowboy Coup-Claque by HabooNov 16, 2022
4 Je suis méchante. by HabooNov 17, 2022
2 Sleepy angry loco by aaayalNov 19, 2022
2 Les fenĂȘtres du mal by HabooNov 24, 2022
5 What an amazing smile, even the suit has teeth by SymbolsWriterNov 25, 2022