Pixel Collabs 17: CYBERPUNK 150

a quilt started by glacier on Oct 5, 2020, completed on Nov 10, 2020

Theme: "CYBERPUNK 150" (You must use the 2:1 pixel isometric perspective)

An example of 2:1
isometric perspective
by Noxitive
"The year is XXXX. Cybernetics are everywhere from every corner, you can't go anywhere without anyone with at least one piece of metal in them. We really live in the future now, huh? Anyways, thats not what I called you in for, [REDACTED] Come aboard the tower, scope out the city with that enhanced eye of yours, what do you see?"

Hello and welcome to the PixelCollab's 17th quilt project, CYBERPUNK 150
Fitting, as this is the 150 quilt on fy.do! Hurray! The theme is once again, to work out your tiles in a 2:1 isometric perspective. Seek some inspiration and how-to's, and make some Breathtaking tiles!
If you're unsure, then you can google some isometric city/cyberpunk art, to get some references and inspiration.

And remember, have fun!

Is this your first time participating? Take a look at the Getting Started video!

Check out the PixelCollabs Discord server and their official website!
7x6 rectangular tiles, each 45x64 pixels in size
Visible border of 16 pixels available for collaborating
Edges of the quilt wrap both horizontally and vertically
Tiles become visible when their neighbours are complete
Checkout Rules
You'll have 24 hours to complete your tile after checkout
A maximum of 4 tiles per user, please
Only colors from the BLK NEO palette are allowed. The server will clamp any offending colors to the nearest color from this palette!
Contributors (23)
glacier (7), Sk3ll (4), SymbolsWriter (4), ButtButtTheNobelButt (3), terderrer (3), ChocoBoo (2), fydo (2), SigilSquared (2), ⭐arisuki (1), Big. Godon (1), Chasode Kibuchi (1), Goosyberry (1), IsaGamerStudios (1), JamesTDG (1), Mariothedog (1), ⭐Noxitive (1), pit (1), Red Penguin (1), reverie (1), thatscheesy (1), TwiGinTec™ (1), veehive (1), Xanthos (1)
42 tiles completed! - Download 315x384 PNG     Creative Commons Licence
Click a tile for info...

12 Starter: Dark Mountain Tower (Rooftop) by glacierOct 5, 2020
10 Starter: Dark Mountain Tower (Center) by glacierOct 5, 2020
14 Starter: Dark Mountain Tower (Plaza) by glacierOct 5, 2020
2 Even in the future, we still need trees... by IsaGamerStudiosOct 14, 2020
4 rooftop with TrueGrass(tm) by reverieOct 15, 2020
2 Corporate Overlords by MariothedogOct 17, 2020
4 Grand pop-culture central building by JamesTDGOct 18, 2020
6 Light Show by SigilSquaredOct 19, 2020
1 Stir Lounge by XanthosOct 19, 2020
7 The wacky future by fydoOct 21, 2020
5 buildings or something by Sk3llOct 21, 2020
5 dat pink girl from blade runner by Sk3llOct 21, 2020
8 It's time for the local cyber news. by ChocoBooOct 23, 2020
3 burggie man's burger still rises after all these years....... by TwiGinTec™Oct 24, 2020
12 MechaGodzilla did an oopsie by ChocoBooOct 24, 2020
7 goose by pitOct 24, 2020
14 Practically Another Starter: Engineers Elevator to the Tower's Computer by Red PenguinOct 24, 2020
10 Birbinator 5000 by ⭐NoxitiveOct 25, 2020
5 The Three Tachikomas by SymbolsWriterOct 25, 2020
7 Factory Sector by SigilSquaredOct 25, 2020
6 Red lights by ButtButtTheNobelButtOct 26, 2020
9 【isometric exercise】 by GoosyberryOct 26, 2020
9 triangle corp by Sk3llOct 26, 2020
11 I now have full access to your systems. by SymbolsWriterOct 26, 2020
8 Where we're going, roads are essential by fydoOct 28, 2020
6 A Pillar For Your Filler by glacierOct 28, 2020
8 Nanomachines, son! by SymbolsWriterOct 29, 2020
3 Cyber suites by ButtButtTheNobelButtOct 30, 2020
3 cyber assassination by veehiveOct 30, 2020
8 I for one hail the oncoming ice age by ⭐arisukiOct 30, 2020
2 Diseased Top Half by terderrerNov 2, 2020
2 dimension pop out by terderrerNov 2, 2020
4 Even for a cyberpunk city, this is a weird part of town. by glacierNov 2, 2020
11 The Worst Future by SymbolsWriterNov 2, 2020
9 Off the Grid ~Love Theme of the Second Dimension~ by glacierNov 2, 2020
2 Final Boss in the Cyborg Heart of the City by terderrerNov 3, 2020
7 buildings and physics defying road by Sk3llNov 3, 2020
4 rennovation of slums by ButtButtTheNobelButtNov 5, 2020
3 Building AG by thatscheesyNov 5, 2020
4 150METRIC REPRISE by glacierNov 7, 2020
10 big robot thing :)) by Big. GodonNov 10, 2020
3 Station building by Chasode KibuchiNov 10, 2020