Getting started
Anatomy of a fydoTile
Things to do while participating in a quilt

A great example of incorporating
edges & collaboration! You
can't see the seams!
- Unless otherwise indicated, please keep your submissions safe-for-work (SFW)
- Read the description of the quilt to see if there are any palette restrictions or themes to follow
- Draw your tile within the transparent area of your checked out tile (any changes you make to your neighbour's borders will be discarded by the system)
- Try your best to incorporate the edges given to you into your work! Remember, the aim is to create one big seamless image. Instead of drawing one thing that starts and ends within your tile, try only drawing part of it and leaving the rest up to your neighbours to complete!
- Leave a fun, interesting (and usable!) edge for your neighbours
- Create only original art (cutting and pasting from others is generally frowned upon)
- Remember that the website will show the author's name so there's no need to sign your name on your tile
- Check your tile in before your check-in deadline (but if you need more time, you can extend!)
- Link to your tile once it has been made visible! Everyone will want to see it! Social media, blog, etc
- If there is a tile that you're particularly proud of, you can showcase it on your profile! Click "Showcase this tile" on your tile's detail page.
fydoTiles is heavily inspired by the collaborative art website and the now-defunct collaborative art website.
While fydoTiles is solely created and maintained by me (
fydo), I would like to thank the following people for feedback and assistance during on-going development:
Legal Stuff
All individual tiles retain their copyright to their original creators.
By uploading your art to this website, you give me permission to do the following:
- Republish your art on this website
- Create derivative works of your art for the purposes of generating check-out tiles for other users
- Include your art within a joint work (the overall "quilt" image) and licensing them as outlined below

All full quilt images are licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License. The acceptable method of attribution is a full listing of each contributor's name, each of which can either be their legal name (which I do not have), their fydoTiles username or their Twitter handle. You can find such a list at the bottom of every quilt detail page on this website.
Additionally, all LumpyTouch community quilt images (Lumpy Weekly and Lumpy Monthly) are permitted to be used commercially by LumpyTouch only.
fydoTiles respects your right to be forgotten, and while I currently don't have an automated process to remove/delete users, if you wish to delete your account please contact me either via twitter message or
fydoTiles uses a single PHP session cookie to track your login (so you don't need to sign in again every time you use the website)
This cookie is not used outside of fydoTiles whatsoever and is set to expire one month after you sign in.
fydoTiles uses Google Sign-In for authentication and Google provides me with several fields regarding your Google account. However I only store these fields as outlined in this table:
Google provides
fydoTiles stores
Unique Sign-In ID | Yes | Yes (this ID only works on fydoTiles) |
E-Mail Address | Yes | Yes |
Profile Image URL | Yes | Yes (but I currently don't use this for anything) |
Full Name | Yes | No |
Given Name | Yes | No |
Family Name | Yes | No |