Lospec: Forest

a quilt started by Sk3ll on Aug 19, 2020, completed on Aug 29, 2020

Theme: "Forest"
This is the fourth pixel quilt organized by the Lospec Discord. The theme is "Forest"!

As before, please try to incorporate your neighbors edges, and eliminate the grid as much as possible.
8x8 square tiles, each 32x32 pixels in size
Visible border of 32 pixels available for collaborating
Edges of the quilt wrap both horizontally and vertically
Tiles become visible when their neighbours are complete
Checkout Rules
You'll have 24 hours to complete your tile after checkout
A maximum of 5 tiles per user, please
Only colors from the Japanese Woodblock palette are allowed. The server will clamp any offending colors to the nearest color from this palette!
Contributors (25)
ButtButtTheNobelButt (5), chase_333 (5), ChocoBoo (5), IsaGamerStudios (5), Numo (5), pumpkin (5), Sk3ll (5), Gors (4), Honkerly (4), Mariothedog (4), glacier (3), Chasode Kibuchi (1), fydo (1), Grunion (1), JamesTDG (1), jepthepogi (1), Jettshade (1), Majak (1), Mig Moog (1), Panciraptor (1), Red Penguin (1), skeddles (1), SymbolsWriter (1), veehive (1), Zarki (1)
64 tiles completed! - Download 256x256 PNG     Creative Commons Licence
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9 Starter: Fox sleeping in the forest by Sk3llAug 19, 2020
7 Gnome home by ButtButtTheNobelButtAug 19, 2020
Among the Treetops by JamesTDGAug 19, 2020
8 Polyducks in his natural habitat by Sk3llAug 20, 2020
1 Duck in the river by NumoAug 20, 2020
1 Tile (Honkera) by HonkerlyAug 21, 2020
19 The Naiad by GorsAug 21, 2020
3 Enigmatic creature by veehiveAug 21, 2020
2 Red Berries by GorsAug 21, 2020
1 Ducks by MariothedogAug 21, 2020
2 Oliver the Onodrim by HonkerlyAug 21, 2020
Tree with bird nest by NumoAug 21, 2020
1 The Mushroom Council will Judge your Crimes by JettshadeAug 21, 2020
Sunny Day by chase_333Aug 21, 2020
2 Stropharia caerulea by HonkerlyAug 21, 2020
2 lawg by skeddlesAug 21, 2020
2 Deer eats its grass. by NumoAug 22, 2020
4 monkey hanging by Sk3llAug 22, 2020
7 sitting in the water by Sk3llAug 22, 2020
1 Lillies by ButtButtTheNobelButtAug 22, 2020
4 Kelpie rising from the deep by Sk3llAug 23, 2020
3 Mountains and the real forest by NumoAug 23, 2020
2 SEA MONSTER!!! by IsaGamerStudiosAug 23, 2020
It just keeps on going... by IsaGamerStudiosAug 23, 2020
1 Help! The tree has fallen and can't get up! by chase_333Aug 23, 2020
Birds by IsaGamerStudiosAug 23, 2020
4 Bamboo lemur by ChocoBooAug 23, 2020
WORMS!!! by chase_333Aug 23, 2020
2 Treelia The Onodrim by HonkerlyAug 23, 2020
Water Gnomes by IsaGamerStudiosAug 23, 2020
well, it has to float somehow... right? by chase_333Aug 23, 2020
1 Tropical Island by IsaGamerStudiosAug 23, 2020
2 Legular Parasites by Mig MoogAug 23, 2020
The Cave by chase_333Aug 23, 2020
Canopy Filter by glacierAug 23, 2020
6 The Forest's Famous Dryad! by glacierAug 23, 2020
7 i foind fishe :))))) by Red PenguinAug 23, 2020
1 a pumpkin, the pumpkin and sk3ll by pumpkinAug 23, 2020
2 Mommy bird by ChocoBooAug 23, 2020
4 Dragon by ChocoBooAug 23, 2020
1 Poor old Gnome needs help by NumoAug 23, 2020
1 very cool duck (also snail) by pumpkinAug 23, 2020
1 blending by pumpkinAug 23, 2020
1 eagle roost by ButtButtTheNobelButtAug 24, 2020
water damn by ButtButtTheNobelButtAug 24, 2020
6 Dwarf and Mead by GorsAug 24, 2020
4 Berdy resting on a tree by jepthepogiAug 24, 2020
7 A forest date ♥ by ChocoBooAug 24, 2020
1 flock of birds in the distance by pumpkinAug 24, 2020
lonely cloud :( by pumpkinAug 24, 2020
1 Giant's Hole by MariothedogAug 24, 2020
Birdie Vine by ZarkiAug 24, 2020
1 Floating Island by MariothedogAug 24, 2020
5 木漏れ日 by GorsAug 24, 2020
10 Wilson by GrunionAug 24, 2020
2 Some buried treasure? by fydoAug 25, 2020
Twirly Branch by MariothedogAug 25, 2020
2 How did he get up on there by Chasode KibuchiAug 25, 2020
4 Don't forget (and starve) your Chester by ChocoBooAug 25, 2020
7 A Beary Special Date by PanciraptorAug 26, 2020
4 Reflections after rain. by ButtButtTheNobelButtAug 27, 2020
2 A Fairy sitting on a flower by MajakAug 27, 2020
6 Mr. Wake's Wild Ride! by glacierAug 29, 2020
8 Kodama by SymbolsWriterAug 29, 2020