Lumpy Weekly 54: Catgirls
a quilt started by âLumpy on Sep 6, 2019, completed on Sep 14, 2019- Description
Theme: "Catgirls"
Please keep things SFW. Also, please remember: interpret and incorporate what fun edges your neighbour(s) provide and leave an interesting/usable edge for the next artist!
Keep in mind you have a full 24 hours to work on your tile and you only get to contribute one! Take your time and submit the best tile you can!
Is this your first time participating? Take a look at the Getting Started video!
Lumpy's Pixelart Stream, Discord, and Twitter- Dimensions
- 7x6 rectangular tiles, each 92x60 pixels in size
Visible border of 16 pixels available for collaborating
Edges of the quilt wrap both horizontally and vertically - Visibility
- Tiles only become visible when the quilt administrator decides!
- Checkout Rules
- You'll have 24 hours to complete your tile after checkout
A maximum of 1 tile per user, please - Palette
- Only colors from the Shovel Knight NES palette are allowed. The server will clamp any offending colors to the nearest color from this palette!
- Contributors (42)
- Allu Gamez (1), CashBrown (1), Chippy (1), coolethanps2 (1), Deadcool (1), Default Username (1), Demi Alter (1), DIYDamian (1), Fayth-Leigh (1), GamingFennex (1), glacier (1), GooGroker (1), Goosyberry (1), Grunion (1), Hissatsu Neko (1), IdealTruth (1), Jettshade (1), juno (1), Koopa 118 (1), lolke12 (1), âLumpy (1), lyonte (1), MarsIsOk (1), MedDaKvas (1), Memedev0 (1), MothQueen (1), NeptunianAvenger (1), Noob the Namitee (1), âNoxitive (1), Ollepac (1), PBandJesse (1), Rafa The Beat (1), Shoos (1), SpookySpacePixels (1), thedeadlyeagle79 (1), TomKnowsStuff (1), Tur713 (1), veehive (1), Wen Worm (1), XxbunnyloverxX (1), Yogan pyro (1), ZaqInABox (1)
- Completion
- 42 tiles completed! - Download 644x360 PNG
Click a tile for info...
18 *Notices Lump* OwO what's this? by NeptunianAvenger
14 Bongo CAT-Girl by MedDaKvas
10 catfight by juno
8 Exercise CatGirl by Grunion
8 Cat With Human Ears by GooGroker
6 Lasagnette (lasagna catgirl) ft. CAT grill & goosy catgirl by Goosyberry
6 Heavensent by glacier
5 Lumpy Weekly 54: Starter Tile by âLumpy
5 cat girl in the clouds by Default Username
18 *Notices Lump* OwO what's this? by NeptunianAvenger
14 Bongo CAT-Girl by MedDaKvas
10 catfight by juno
8 Exercise CatGirl by Grunion
8 Cat With Human Ears by GooGroker
6 Lasagnette (lasagna catgirl) ft. CAT grill & goosy catgirl by Goosyberry
6 Heavensent by glacier
5 Lumpy Weekly 54: Starter Tile by âLumpy
5 cat girl in the clouds by Default Username
@AlluGamez CashBrown Chippy @Coolethanps2 @copewithart @andrizzled_ @DemiAlter1 @_DIYDamian_ Fayth-Leigh GamingFennex @windfallapples GooGroker @goosyberry @fart @Hissatsu_Neko @IdealTruth1 @DanMangen @junopixels Koopa 118 lolke12 @LumpyTouch lyonte MarsIsOk @MedDaKvas Memedev0 @Megalo_Vanna @NeptunianAvengr @noobnamiteeart @Noxitive Ollepac @PBandGebbe @RafaTheBeat Shoos @BellsMakesStuff thedeadlyeagle79 TomKnowsStuff @Tur713Turtle @veeh1ve @Wen_worm XxbunnyloverxX Yogan pyro @zaqinabox