Lumpy Weekly 78: Fast Food
a quilt started by ⭐Lumpy on Mar 27, 2021, completed on Jun 23, 2021- Description
Theme: "Fast Food"
Welcome to the 78th LumpyTouch Weekly Quilt! Hold on to your burgers, this time we are chomping our way through the world of fast food! While shoveling fries into your mouth via this quilt, you can also integrate your art with your neighbour and leave a usable edge for the next artist (avoid creating "walls" of dither or solid color) Let's work together to hide the grid!
Keep in mind you have a full 24 hours to work on your tile! Take your time and submit the best tile you can!
Is this your first time participating? Take a look at the Getting Started video!
Lumpy's Pixelart Stream, Discord, and Twitter- Dimensions
- 7x6 rectangular tiles, each 92x60 pixels in size
Visible border of 24 pixels available for collaborating
Edges of the quilt wrap both horizontally and vertically - Visibility
- Tiles only become visible when the quilt administrator decides!
- Checkout Rules
- You'll have 24 hours to complete your tile after checkout
A maximum of 4 tiles per user, please - Palette
- Only colors from the CROMATICA palette are allowed. The server will clamp any offending colors to the nearest color from this palette!
- Contributors (26)
- glacier (4), Haboo (4), Empress (3), Gilokk0 (3), SymbolsWriter (3), ⭐arisuki (2), ⭐Ayunema (2), MedDaKvas (2), Sk3ll (2), alacran (1), annablake (1), Cappuccino (1), cod31n3 (1), cugmonkey4 (1), Deadcool (1), Grunion (1), Honey Chan (1), Jazz The Vampire (1), Lollipaparazi (1), ⭐Lumpy (1), Owl Music (1), ThisTime (1), TwiGinTec™ (1), veehive (1), WaddleMcDude (1), warpixel (1)
- Completion
- 42 tiles completed! - Download 644x360 PNG
Click a tile for info...

@windfallapples @Haboocas Empress @gilokk0 @SymbolsWriter @alisuca3 @ayunema610 @MedDaKvas @sk3ll2 alacran @annablakelive @Cappucc27538280 @cod31n3 @cugmonkey4 @copewithart @fart @granulatedhoney Jazz The Vampire Lollipaparazi @LumpyTouch @beckyOwlmusic ThisTime @TecGin @veeh1ve WaddleMcDude @iamwarpixel