(Tap/click to toggle)
- Part of Quilt
- glacier's Description
- What if the beautiful white sky we all lived under was actually just a curtain-belly of a cute-but-smug, goopy, one-eyed white snail-cat?
What would you do then?
I do not know what your plans would be, but I would sleep a bit more soundly at night, I think~
Anyway this is probably going to be my final SLAPDASH 192 tile, and what a trip it has been! I am used to my quilts taking half a year to conclude and you guys managed to knock this one out in less than a month! Wow! :D
I was so sure that Clumsy Dozen was going to be a disaster as well, but everyone has managed to find exciting and very creative ways of using the colour ramps I so hastily mushed into a "palette" and turn out some fantastic artwork with it!
I am super proud of our results here-- more than anything of the consideration people have paid to their edges! You have all made this a wonderful experience for me, and thank you so, so much for giving your best to this quilt in spite of (perhaps thanks to) the time constraints and strange colour selection available to you! I hope you have been able to enjoy it at least as much as I! - Checked in
- Aug 29, 2019
- Dimensions
- 60x45 pixels
- Palette
- Only colors from the The Clumsy Dozen (created by glacier) palette are allowed. The server will clamp any offending colors to the nearest color from this palette!