Lumpy Weekly 53: Cute

a quilt started by ⭐Lumpy on Aug 29, 2019, completed on Sep 4, 2019

Theme: "Cute"
Holy moly cute overload!! While making your megacute fluffies please remember: interpret and incorporate what fun edges your neighbour(s) provide and leave an interesting/usable edge for the next artist!

Keep in mind you have a full 24 hours to work on your tile and you only get to contribute one! Take your time and submit the best tile you can!

Is this your first time participating? Take a look at the Getting Started video!
Lumpy's Pixelart Stream, Discord, and Twitter
7x6 rectangular tiles, each 92x60 pixels in size
Visible border of 16 pixels available for collaborating
Edges of the quilt wrap both horizontally and vertically
Tiles only become visible when the quilt administrator decides!
Checkout Rules
You'll have 24 hours to complete your tile after checkout
A maximum of 1 tile per user, please
Only colors from the Clumpy 18 (created by glacier) palette are allowed. The server will clamp any offending colors to the nearest color from this palette!
Contributors (42)
AaronCuttleFish (1), bkdeers (1), CashBrown (1), coolethanps2 (1), deano bambeano (1), eas e (1), F!A (1), Fayth-Leigh (1), GamingFennex (1), glacier (1), GooGroker (1), Goosyberry (1), Grunion (1), guzma-29 (1), Hissatsu Neko (1), IdealTruth (1), invader_bean (1), Jettshade (1), Katsuka (1), Koopa 118 (1), Lains (1), lolke12 (1), ⭐Lumpy (1), markmybirds (1), MarsIsOk (1), MBT 0601 (1), MedDaKvas (1), MothQueen (1), NeptunianAvenger (1), Noob the Namitee (1), ⭐Noxitive (1), PBandJesse (1), Rafa The Beat (1), Sidney Naslund (1), SpookySpacePixels (1), SuperSodaYoda14 (1), TomKnowsStuff (1), Tur713 (1), veehive (1), wander (1), Yogan pyro (1), ZaqInABox (1)
42 tiles completed! - Download 644x360 PNG     Creative Commons Licence
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@GengyTheGengar bkdeers CashBrown @Coolethanps2 deano bambeano eas e F!A Fayth-Leigh GamingFennex @windfallapples GooGroker @goosyberry @fart guzma-29 @Hissatsu_Neko @IdealTruth1 @BeanInvader @DanMangen @KatsukaHearht Koopa 118 Lains lolke12 @LumpyTouch markmybirds MarsIsOk @mbt0601 @MedDaKvas @Megalo_Vanna @NeptunianAvengr @noobnamiteeart @Noxitive @PBandGebbe @RafaTheBeat @Porkkchops @BellsMakesStuff SuperSodaYoda14 TomKnowsStuff @Tur713Turtle @veeh1ve @goldwanders Yogan pyro @zaqinabox
10 Lumpy Weekly 53: Starter Tile by ⭐LumpyAug 29, 2019
1 phrog time!!! by F!AAug 29, 2019
2 Glurgle by Rafa The BeatAug 29, 2019
1 anime girl and kirby together is destroying the universe by Koopa 118Aug 29, 2019
4 Cuteness INTENSIFIES by Tur713Aug 29, 2019
1 Seal ya lata by MarsIsOkAug 29, 2019
14 ooOOOOOWUUHGHOHOOHH KITTIES!!!!! by SpookySpacePixelsAug 29, 2019
8 Lumpy Little Trees by ZaqInABoxAug 29, 2019
1 a Fluffy forest friend by Yogan pyroAug 29, 2019
1 rabbit in a house by guzma-29Aug 29, 2019
1 Space Cat Consumes by IdealTruthAug 29, 2019
2 Cutie Pi :3 by LainsAug 29, 2019
4 Godzilla by SuperSodaYoda14Aug 29, 2019
1 big ol flower by bkdeersAug 29, 2019
3 Your KILLING ME lumpy by GrunionAug 29, 2019
Fish Belly by TomKnowsStuffAug 29, 2019
3 Cats are cute, right? by invader_beanAug 29, 2019
4 Moon Rabbit by wanderAug 29, 2019
5 Birds at Night by markmybirdsAug 29, 2019
No idea what I am doing by Sidney NaslundAug 29, 2019
1 Saibitsuki and the Balloon by Fayth-LeighAug 29, 2019
2 He cute by PBandJesseAug 29, 2019
1 Goomy Is Top Cutie by KatsukaAug 29, 2019
7 "Smol" Run by MedDaKvasAug 30, 2019
6 bugs are cute by veehiveAug 30, 2019
void wyrm by eas eAug 30, 2019
10 Minecraft Bee by GooGrokerAug 30, 2019
2 Mr Huggy the lovable space bear by Hissatsu NekoAug 30, 2019
4 Peacock by MothQueenAug 31, 2019
4 Sleepy Fisherkitty by NeptunianAvengerAug 31, 2019
1 Hello I am not evil robot. Wait what are those in the backround? by AaronCuttleFishSep 1, 2019
2 Frog Baby by CashBrownSep 1, 2019
4 Space Slime by JettshadeSep 1, 2019
2 Here's lookin' at you, Mimikyu by coolethanps2Sep 1, 2019
8 Lumpette and friends by GoosyberrySep 3, 2019
3 Clump by lolke12Sep 3, 2019
2 Space Joe by GamingFennexSep 3, 2019
7 Clumpy and Clodette (of SLAPDASH fame) by glacierSep 3, 2019
mushroom forest by deano bambeanoSep 3, 2019
1 Squidala! by Noob the NamiteeSep 4, 2019
3 CUTENESS OVERLOAD by ⭐NoxitiveSep 4, 2019
1 Dream of minecraft bees also an owo squid is there by MBT 0601Sep 4, 2019