Pixel Pajama: Sky

a quilt started by fedellen on Jul 22, 2019, completed on Aug 1, 2019

Theme: "Sky"
Welcome again, Pixel Pajama Studios community! We hope you enjoy your time working together to make some fun, collaborative art!

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8x4 rectangular tiles, each 48x54 pixels in size
Visible border of 12 pixels available for collaborating
Edges of the quilt wrap both horizontally and vertically
Tiles become visible when their neighbours are complete
Checkout Rules
You'll have 24 hours to complete your tile after checkout
A maximum of 2 tiles per user, please
Only colors from this custom palette are allowed. The server will clamp any offending colors to the nearest color from this palette!
Contributors (23)
AaronCuttleFish (2), ⭐abonbon (2), Belzah (2), Chdonga (2), fedellen (2), glacier (2), Insert_Disc_2 (2), Purple PyrOZ (2), SpikeBerd (2), FindusGruen (1), Grunion (1), Jettshade (1), lolke12 (1), Mattacker (1), Maxes (1), MedDaKvas (1), ⭐Noxitive (1), PBandJesse (1), SuperSodaYoda14 (1), Tater (1), The_LAM (1), TomKnowsStuff (1), White Lotus (1)
32 tiles completed! - Download 384x216 PNG     Creative Commons Licence
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3 Wingull flock by a plane by White LotusJul 23, 2019
Hot Air Balloons by AaronCuttleFishJul 23, 2019
2 Skies for pokemon trainers by Purple PyrOZJul 23, 2019
1 The castle in the sky by AaronCuttleFishJul 23, 2019
1 Hot air balloon by The_LAMJul 23, 2019
4 Flying Away by TaterJul 23, 2019
Islands in the Sky by Insert_Disc_2Jul 23, 2019
2 The Lemonmanmen Space Armada Takes Soars! by glacierJul 23, 2019
3 Jindujun by FindusGruenJul 23, 2019
3 Old Man Sky Man by SpikeBerdJul 23, 2019
4 You Can (Not) Defeat Airman by SpikeBerdJul 23, 2019
sky shuttles by ⭐abonbonJul 23, 2019
5 "Your drill is the drill that will pierce the Heavens!" by MedDaKvasJul 24, 2019
1 Songbird by SuperSodaYoda14Jul 24, 2019
plane and clouds by fedellenJul 24, 2019
You can do this. by Insert_Disc_2Jul 24, 2019
1 Kitty Bus by ⭐abonbonJul 24, 2019
1 Drifloon by Purple PyrOZJul 25, 2019
Sparkles and Smog by JettshadeJul 25, 2019
Cold Air Balloon by TomKnowsStuffJul 25, 2019
Him by BelzahJul 25, 2019
2 Windmill in the sky by MattackerJul 26, 2019
1 Cape Mario by PBandJesseJul 26, 2019
Twisting Eel by BelzahJul 26, 2019
1 Electric shock! by MaxesJul 27, 2019
3 Airship on duty by ⭐NoxitiveJul 27, 2019
1 Hot Air Potoroo by ChdongaJul 27, 2019
1 Dont look below the sky. by GrunionJul 29, 2019
2 Chernabog by ChdongaJul 31, 2019
1 the things by fedellenAug 1, 2019
3 Cat by lolke12Aug 1, 2019
3 ~die Schmetterlingskatze~ by glacierAug 1, 2019