Lumpy Weekly 49: Bootleg

a quilt started by ⭐Lumpy on Jul 15, 2019, completed on Jul 22, 2019

Theme: "Bootleg"
Knockoffs, imitations, bootlegs! We want to see your (non-racist) fake stuff! This week's challenge: interpret and incorporate what fun edges your neighbour(s) provide and leave an interesting/usable edge for the next artist!

Is this your first time participating? Take a look at the Getting Started video!
Lumpy's Pixelart Stream, Discord, and Twitter
10x6 rectangular tiles, each 48x45 pixels in size
Visible border of 14 pixels available for collaborating
Edges of the quilt wrap both horizontally and vertically
Tiles only become visible when the quilt administrator decides!
Checkout Rules
You'll have 24 hours to complete your tile after checkout
A maximum of 3 tiles per user, please
Only colors from the SPEC-12 palette are allowed. The server will clamp any offending colors to the nearest color from this palette!
Contributors (38)
⭐Lumpy (4), ⭐Noxitive (3), AaronCuttleFish (2), AlterStun (2), Austhetic (2), Belzah (2), GamingFennex (2), Goosyberry (2), Grunion (2), JamesTDG (2), Lains (2), MBT 0601 (2), MedDaKvas (2), MemeBene (2), Purple PyrOZ (2), SpikeBerd (2), SuperSodaYoda14 (2), Val (2), veehive (2), ArtistSanSan (1), Bifflemallow (1), Empsy (1), garbo111 (1), GooGroker (1), Hellpug (1), Koopa 118 (1), lixore (1), Memedev0 (1), NeptunianAvenger (1), papa tetris (1), PBandJesse (1), SpookySpacePixels (1), sppaaacce (1), Tater (1), Tur713 (1), vrolik (1), Walkalope (1), weirdghost (1)
60 tiles completed! - Download 480x270 PNG     Creative Commons Licence
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1 Lumpy Weekly 49: Top Left Starter by ⭐LumpyJul 15, 2019
1 Lumpy Weekly 49: Top Right Starter by ⭐LumpyJul 15, 2019
1 Lumpy Weekly 49: Bottom Left Starter by ⭐LumpyJul 15, 2019
1 Lumpy Weekly 49: Bottom Right Starter by ⭐LumpyJul 15, 2019
3 Nuss from Homestuck by SpikeBerdJul 15, 2019
2 Hoomer & Ulcherman by SuperSodaYoda14Jul 15, 2019
1 time for a GRAND time by Koopa 118Jul 15, 2019
3 Mario Crap by papa tetrisJul 15, 2019
5 Jonik the Energized Hog by SpikeBerdJul 15, 2019
1 Dipsi and Tirky Wirky by BelzahJul 15, 2019
2 Cool Mountain by sppaaacceJul 15, 2019
3 Harry Potter by garbo111Jul 15, 2019
1 Explosion Boy by LainsJul 15, 2019
1 Stair Fax by LainsJul 15, 2019
1 Super Caterpillar Bro by veehiveJul 15, 2019
4 That Sonic/Obama enamel pin by HellpugJul 15, 2019
2 Covered in Spiders, Man by EmpsyJul 15, 2019
2 Dusty, Space Chipmunk by GamingFennexJul 15, 2019
6 Superior Lardio Bro by MemeBeneJul 15, 2019
1 Sohi Boi by BelzahJul 15, 2019
1 Bootleg Rayquaza thinks you're a scrub by lixoreJul 15, 2019
1 Disapproving Feline wishes death to the Monday by BifflemallowJul 15, 2019
6 Russian Felix the Cat Bootleg by AustheticJul 15, 2019
1 Mystic Bario Doll by MemeBeneJul 15, 2019
1 Square Larry gas station adventures!!! by GrunionJul 16, 2019
3 Nice teeth, Pooh Bear! by PBandJesseJul 16, 2019
8 "I'll be back" by MedDaKvasJul 16, 2019
1 Somari but greener by AaronCuttleFishJul 16, 2019
1 MLP Bootleg by AaronCuttleFishJul 16, 2019
1 Some odd catastrophe by JamesTDGJul 16, 2019
3 Push Start to Rich by AustheticJul 16, 2019
2 Happy Cookie Eater by SuperSodaYoda14Jul 16, 2019
2 7 Grand Dad by GamingFennexJul 16, 2019
5 LEBO: Build Good! ʷᵃʳⁿᶦⁿᵍ ᵈᵒ ⁿᵒᵗ ᶜᵒⁿˢᵘᵐᵉ ᶜᵒˡᵒʳ ˢᵠᵘᵃʳᵉˢ by MBT 0601Jul 16, 2019
10 Planet Girl by GoosyberryJul 16, 2019
3 Grand Dad: Deliverer of Darkness by MBT 0601Jul 16, 2019
4 Harry Potter OBAMA by SpookySpacePixelsJul 16, 2019
1 Chaos in the sky by JamesTDGJul 17, 2019
3 Garsauce by TaterJul 17, 2019
3 MOM: We already have Gorfield at home! GOREFIELD AT HOME: by Tur713Jul 18, 2019
4 Super Jario Bros by WalkalopeJul 18, 2019
6 Luigi Pupa Kart by NeptunianAvengerJul 18, 2019
1 Bootlegg dog by ValJul 19, 2019
1 It's hot outside, isn't it, brother? by ValJul 19, 2019
4 "Louie G. stop! You're embarrassing us!" by MedDaKvasJul 19, 2019
1 EaT pAnT by ArtistSanSanJul 19, 2019
1 Bootleg Astromer Boy by GrunionJul 19, 2019
1 (7) GRAND DAAAAAAAAAAAD by Memedev0Jul 20, 2019
1 my first drawing on here by weirdghostJul 20, 2019
1 TorTor by Purple PyrOZJul 21, 2019
1 Mayro by Purple PyrOZJul 21, 2019
1 meat body by veehiveJul 21, 2019
1 small scare! by AlterStunJul 21, 2019
2 space conflict: the government retaliates! by AlterStunJul 22, 2019
3 Jeopardy Jonathan: The bootleg Danger Dan action figure, ready to teach you about fork and spoon safety. by GoosyberryJul 22, 2019
1 Bootleg Tile Skating (by yours truly) by ⭐NoxitiveJul 22, 2019
1 Puppet ships by ⭐NoxitiveJul 22, 2019
2 Danger Legs by ⭐NoxitiveJul 22, 2019