Pixel Pajama: Space

a quilt started by fedellen on Jul 14, 2019, completed on Jul 22, 2019

Theme: "Space"
Welcome again, Pixel Pajama Studios community! We hope you enjoy your time working together to make some fun, collaborative art!

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8x4 rectangular tiles, each 48x54 pixels in size
Visible border of 12 pixels available for collaborating
Edges of the quilt wrap both horizontally and vertically
Tiles become visible when their neighbours are complete
Checkout Rules
You'll have 24 hours to complete your tile after checkout
A maximum of 4 tiles per user, please
Only colors from the Spacehaze palette are allowed. The server will clamp any offending colors to the nearest color from this palette!
Contributors (16)
ā­abonbon (4), fedellen (4), JamesTDG (4), SpikeBerd (4), AaronCuttleFish (2), Grunion (2), Mattacker (2), White Lotus (2), Belzah (1), Empsy (1), MedDaKvas (1), papa tetris (1), PBandJesse (1), Purple PyrOZ (1), SuperSodaYoda14 (1), Tater (1)
32 tiles completed! - Download 384x216 PNG     Creative Commons Licence
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6 Space by ā­abonbonJul 15, 2019
4 The Space Goddess by SpikeBerdJul 15, 2019
3 Diary of a Space Worm by SpikeBerdJul 15, 2019
2 beware squid thing by fedellenJul 15, 2019
6 Resting by BelzahJul 15, 2019
4 Hey, look at OUR Beautiful Planet! Oh, is That The Sock i Lost 6 Years Ago? by EmpsyJul 15, 2019
4 The Final Frontier by JamesTDGJul 15, 2019
2 Explosive Delight by JamesTDGJul 15, 2019
5 Starman by GrunionJul 16, 2019
3 Kars flying through space and time. by MedDaKvasJul 16, 2019
1 Spacetastic by ā­abonbonJul 16, 2019
3 A space castle appears! by White LotusJul 16, 2019
2 Planets, stars, swirls. Space stuff by PBandJesseJul 16, 2019
4 King of All Cosmos by SuperSodaYoda14Jul 16, 2019
2 aliens by fedellenJul 16, 2019
3 space is crazy by White LotusJul 17, 2019
1 Flying big aliens by AaronCuttleFishJul 17, 2019
1 Aliens Mario Pacman Oh My!!! by papa tetrisJul 17, 2019
1 The Crystal Dragon in the skies by AaronCuttleFishJul 17, 2019
8 Space Turtle by MattackerJul 17, 2019
7 Space Ghost by TaterJul 18, 2019
3 Space LizzardMec by GrunionJul 19, 2019
1 tentacles and things by fedellenJul 19, 2019
particles by ā­abonbonJul 19, 2019
2 Spaceghetti by SpikeBerdJul 19, 2019
Starfishing by JamesTDGJul 20, 2019
1 Interstellar Transport by JamesTDGJul 20, 2019
3 Space Marine's Prayer by SpikeBerdJul 20, 2019
1 starscape by ā­abonbonJul 21, 2019
space battle by fedellenJul 21, 2019
2 Destruction by Purple PyrOZJul 21, 2019
1 Shiba in space by MattackerJul 22, 2019