Lumpy Weekly 45: 1-bit Patterns

a quilt started by ⭐Lumpy on Jun 8, 2019, completed on Jun 23, 2019

Theme: "Patterns"
Everyone loves patterns! Here's a challenge: can you interpret and incorporate what fun edges your neighbour(s) provide and leave an interesting/usable edge for the next artist?!
As always, please contribute original art only! (No sprite rips or other copyrighted stuff)

Is this your first time participating? Take a look at the Getting Started video!
Lumpy's Pixelart Stream, Discord, and Twitter
12x7 rectangular tiles, each 48x45 pixels in size
Visible border of 14 pixels available for collaborating
Edges of the quilt wrap both horizontally and vertically
Tiles become visible when their neighbours are complete
Checkout Rules
You'll have 24 hours to complete your tile after checkout
A maximum of 3 tiles per user, please
Only colors from 1-Bit Black and White palette are allowed. The server will clamp any offending colors to the nearest color from this palette!
Contributors (48)
⭐Lumpy (4), CW (3), Daniel Wallace (3), GamingFennex (3), glacier (3), Grunion (3), Hellpug (3), Marmot (3), MedDaKvas (3), Memedev0 (3), Mig Moog (3), BESTBOI333 (2), BroSkemp (2), Dreamfinder (2), floralities (2), GooGroker (2), Joshua Summers (2), ⭐Noxitive (2), PHLiM2 (2), Riley B G (2), Sevenstitch (2), The_LAM (2), wander (2), Yurenev (2), Anthony Hunt (1), Bobby Z (1), Boon (1), coolethanps2 (1), Coriander (1), Daniel James (1), Domino God (1), dvalen_irl (1), fydo (1), Goosyberry (1), juno (1), MBT 0601 (1), Milky! (1), Mr Dreamcast (1), OmarTheNerd (1), PBandJesse (1), Singula (1), Spuddy7 (1), SquishySpaghetti (1), Taint S. (1), teenytiny. (1), Tur713 (1), Verggen (1), vrolik (1)
84 tiles completed! - Download 576x315 PNG     Creative Commons Licence
Click a tile for info...

1 Lumpy Weekly 45: Bottom Right Starter by ⭐LumpyJun 8, 2019
1 Lumpy Weekly 45: Top Left Starter by ⭐LumpyJun 8, 2019
1 Lumpy Weekly 45: Top Right Starter by ⭐LumpyJun 8, 2019
1 Lumpy Weekly 45: Bottom Left Starter by ⭐LumpyJun 8, 2019
The face in the dither by Memedev0Jun 8, 2019
90's flashback by teenytiny.Jun 8, 2019
N O I S E by Memedev0Jun 8, 2019
too many buttons and switches by floralitiesJun 8, 2019
Line tool 100 by Daniel WallaceJun 8, 2019
LumpyPattern by Domino GodJun 8, 2019
Zentangle by Daniel WallaceJun 8, 2019
Crazy Tracksi by PHLiM2Jun 8, 2019
I don't even by PBandJesseJun 8, 2019
Just a pattern by BoonJun 8, 2019
Patterns. Patterns everywhere! by PHLiM2Jun 8, 2019
Eel Hooks by Joshua SummersJun 8, 2019
Head beams by CWJun 8, 2019
Rootskull Ship by Joshua SummersJun 8, 2019
1 A little out of place.. by The_LAMJun 8, 2019
Magic Man! by CWJun 8, 2019
boxed corner by SevenstitchJun 8, 2019
Pattern Of Faces by GrunionJun 9, 2019
Some cool slashy-thingys by OmarTheNerdJun 9, 2019
Dither Squares by GooGrokerJun 9, 2019
CONSUME by Daniel JamesJun 9, 2019
Starry Tree by GooGrokerJun 9, 2019
Gradient to another world by GamingFennexJun 9, 2019
1 Nice to see you by SevenstitchJun 9, 2019
SMILE :D ;D {:D ]:( by Mig MoogJun 9, 2019
The Pattern of Infinity by coolethanps2Jun 9, 2019
Welcome Home by CorianderJun 9, 2019
V O I D by BESTBOI333Jun 9, 2019
1 some blocky patterns by BESTBOI333Jun 9, 2019
2 Cool cats don't look at explosions. by wanderJun 9, 2019
1 Test Your Luck by wanderJun 9, 2019
Inward Glare Hall by Taint S.Jun 9, 2019
happy goop by Bobby ZJun 9, 2019
Eye of belial by YurenevJun 9, 2019
Satanic influence by YurenevJun 9, 2019
I like this quilt by GoosyberryJun 9, 2019
3 We are 1-bit now Mario! I'm your color! by MedDaKvasJun 9, 2019
3 Circling the Square by glacierJun 9, 2019
Manyland-themed pattern by DreamfinderJun 9, 2019
1 Weird Fish Bone Thing by SquishySpaghettiJun 9, 2019
2 over the treetops by floralitiesJun 9, 2019
Meow! Paw prints and kitty faces. by The_LAMJun 9, 2019
Kneeling before Temptation by GamingFennexJun 9, 2019
1 Killer Plant Pattern, or Plant Killer Pattern. by GrunionJun 9, 2019
1 Devil's in the details by HellpugJun 9, 2019
Spaceeee Catssss by Milky!Jun 10, 2019
1 Doodley by HellpugJun 10, 2019
2 1-bit "POYO!" by MedDaKvasJun 10, 2019
So.. yeah, a 1 bit pattern! by SingulaJun 10, 2019
Plant Patterns by Anthony HuntJun 10, 2019
7 An Eggcelent pattern by ⭐NoxitiveJun 10, 2019
1 Stare into my eye by ⭐NoxitiveJun 10, 2019
1 Hello I am circle guy by fydoJun 10, 2019
Birds and Urns by Riley B GJun 10, 2019
A flock of lanterns by Riley B GJun 10, 2019
1 Getting My Feet Wet by MarmotJun 10, 2019
the never ending pattern of grinding by Mig MoogJun 10, 2019
1 Searching For & Sending Patterns by MarmotJun 10, 2019
Clouds by vrolikJun 10, 2019
1 Echo by Tur713Jun 11, 2019
1 bruno bucciarati by junoJun 11, 2019
binary and stuff by VerggenJun 11, 2019
Uhh by Spuddy7Jun 11, 2019
Idk, here's like a stairway with like a computer and stuff is falling apart? There's not much of a pattern here but uh ya 👉😎👉 by MBT 0601Jun 12, 2019
1 Strange machine by DreamfinderJun 12, 2019
"But can you do this?" by MedDaKvasJun 13, 2019
1 This quilt does not promote gambling...or the overconsumption of SOUP by BroSkempJun 13, 2019
Entangled Ruins by GamingFennexJun 13, 2019
1 Elixir by HellpugJun 13, 2019
1 Snail Friend Having a Meal in the Shade by MarmotJun 13, 2019
catterpilla by Memedev0Jun 13, 2019
its like 3 80's couches fusion danced by Daniel WallaceJun 13, 2019
The generator by CWJun 13, 2019
3 Escher Under Pressure by glacierJun 13, 2019
Praying to your deity is always an annoying pattern by Mig MoogJun 13, 2019
Antipattern by dvalen_irlJun 13, 2019
Blast Pattern by GrunionJun 23, 2019
3 Lumpy's Throne by Mr DreamcastJun 23, 2019