Lumpy Weekly 38: CAPCOM

a quilt started by ⭐Lumpy on Mar 28, 2019, completed on Apr 15, 2019

Theme: "CAPCOM"
CAPCOM is a huge videogame developer and publisher from the 80's! Show us your favorite interpretations of elements from their games! Mega Man, Street Fighter, Resident Evil, or perhaps something a little more obscure? Try to interpret what fun edges your neighbour(s) provide and leave an interesting/usable edge for the next artist!
As always, please contribute original art only! (No sprite rips or other copyrighted stuff)

Is this your first time participating? Take a look at the Getting Started video!
Lumpy's Pixelart Stream, Discord, and Twitter
10x5 rectangular tiles, each 48x54 pixels in size
Visible border of 12 pixels available for collaborating
Edges of the quilt wrap both horizontally and vertically
Tiles only become visible when the quilt administrator decides!
Checkout Rules
You'll have 24 hours to complete your tile after checkout
A maximum of 3 tiles per user, please
Only colors from the Pollen8 palette are allowed. The server will clamp any offending colors to the nearest color from this palette!
Contributors (32)
Goosyberry (3), juno (3), ⭐Noxitive (3), PANDAGORE (3), Riley B G (3), SpookySpacePixels (3), Cael M (2), Last (2), ⭐Lumpy (2), Mig Moog (2), SkeletonBones (2), Tur713 (2), Camshaf7 (1), DangerBK (1), Domino God (1), Doran Lightbringer (1), Dreamfinder (1), Fatal Bert (1), fydo (1), glacier (1), Grunion (1), Hellpug (1), loomie (1), Neshaun Lockett (1), ReignitedInferno (1), rsvp asap (1), Scege (1), Skully (1), The_LAM (1), Tosterg (1), Val (1), vrolik (1)
50 tiles completed! - Download 480x270 PNG     Creative Commons Licence
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1 Lumpy Weekly 38: Left Starter by ⭐LumpyMar 28, 2019
1 Lumpy Weekly 38: Right Starter by ⭐LumpyMar 28, 2019
2 Nineteen Forty... Who? by fydoMar 28, 2019
4 Zero by GoosyberryMar 28, 2019
1 Super Fighting Ro.. oh. by ReignitedInfernoMar 28, 2019
2 Where's the 'Gief? by Tur713Mar 28, 2019
2 Scuffed Okami by Fatal BertMar 28, 2019
1 Gemini's Ambush! by LastMar 28, 2019
3 Okami by HellpugMar 28, 2019
1 Cutman by GrunionMar 28, 2019
1 Balrog by Doran LightbringerMar 29, 2019
1 Phoenix Wright has something to say by Cael MMar 29, 2019
3 1942 by rsvp asapMar 29, 2019
1 VS Lemon Man by Tur713Mar 29, 2019
1 Strider Hiryu and Option C by LastMar 29, 2019
1 Iris...IRIS? IRIS?! Iris. Iris...?!! by GoosyberryMar 29, 2019
1 Resident vevil flesh zombo enjoys some power juice (feat.=viewtiful joe) by TostergMar 29, 2019
1 The one you will never find when surrounded by zombies (this palette was a nightmare to work with) by SkullyMar 30, 2019
1 Incomig Rathalos by Cael MMar 30, 2019
5 capcom made jojo games before so this has to count right? by junoMar 31, 2019
2 Oh, no! Uncle Scrooge has gone mad with wealth and power! by Riley B GMar 31, 2019
1 Dungeons and Dragons: Tower of DOOM by Riley B GMar 31, 2019
5 If I become a Maverick, you have to take care of me. Promise me, Zero. by junoMar 31, 2019
1 LumpyMet by Domino GodMar 31, 2019
2 Kulu Ya-Ku by Neshaun LockettMar 31, 2019
1 R E A D Y ? (Megaman stage 3000) by GoosyberryApr 1, 2019
1 Best Girl by SkeletonBonesApr 1, 2019
16 splash woman sipp by junoApr 2, 2019
1 Let’s Roll by The_LAMApr 2, 2019
1 Cadillacs and Dinosaurs by vrolikApr 2, 2019
5 I've covered Quilts you know :') by ⭐NoxitiveApr 3, 2019
1 236+🠲✊ by ⭐NoxitiveApr 3, 2019
1 SMOKING SEXY STYLE by ⭐NoxitiveApr 3, 2019
2 nice. >:] by DreamfinderApr 4, 2019
8 (Phoenix Wright voice) OH GOD WHAT IS HAPPENING WHERE AM I by SpookySpacePixelsApr 4, 2019
4 I've never played a Megaman game nor do I know much about them but I really really like Cutman by SpookySpacePixelsApr 5, 2019
1 A glaring weakness by SkeletonBonesApr 5, 2019
2 A Cat Tile for the Capcom Quilt by glacierApr 10, 2019
2 Tron Bonne by ScegeApr 11, 2019
1 Rathalos (from the Capcom series Monster Hunter) by Mig MoogApr 11, 2019
2 DOOM?! by SpookySpacePixelsApr 11, 2019
1 1942 by DangerBKApr 12, 2019
1 Umbrella Corp Logo (from the Capcom series Resident Evil) by Mig MoogApr 12, 2019
3 Mr. X by Camshaf7Apr 13, 2019
6 Ōkami pupper. by PANDAGOREApr 14, 2019
1 Hey there Jill.. by PANDAGOREApr 14, 2019
1 Nemesis by PANDAGOREApr 14, 2019
3 yall play any heritage? by loomieApr 15, 2019
1 How many megamen are there? by ValApr 15, 2019
1 I haven't played Monster Hunter, but this character is named "Meowscular Chef" and that's adorable by Riley B GApr 15, 2019