Lumpy Weekly 30: A E S T H E T I C

a quilt started by ⭐Lumpy on Jan 14, 2019, completed on Jan 18, 2019

Theme: "A E S T H E T I C"
We're vaporwaving some chill art for the 30th LumpyTouch Weekly Collaboration! The vaporwave aesthetic includes wonderful elements like retro computer imagery (polygons!), extensive chrome, Japanese lettering, and n e o n s u n s e t s!

Is this your first time participating? Take a look at the Getting Started video!
Lumpy's Pixelart Stream, Discord, and Twitter
10x5 square tiles, each 50x50 pixels in size
Visible border of 10 pixels available for collaborating
Edges of the quilt wrap both horizontally and vertically
Tiles only become visible when the quilt administrator decides!
Checkout Rules
You'll have 24 hours to complete your tile after checkout
A maximum of 3 tiles per user, please
Only colors from the PICO-8 palette are allowed. The server will clamp any offending colors to the nearest color from this palette!
Contributors (25)
⭐Lumpy (4), ⭐BonnieMuffins (3), Camshaf7 (3), CW (3), fydo (3), glacier (3), Goosyberry (3), ⭐Noxitive (3), Val (3), Villager Man (3), Allu Gamez (2), loomie (2), ThatGalaxyQueen ! (2), vrolik (2), aneggnamedgregg (1), Chieng (1), cod31n3 (1), DyTV (1), F.O.Shaq (1), Fitsel (1), Grunion (1), Ryul-Z (1), towel (1), wanderingent (1), warpixel (1)
50 tiles completed! - Download 500x250 PNG     Creative Commons Licence
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10 Lumpy Weekly 30: Bottom Right Starter by ⭐LumpyJan 14, 2019
3 Lumpy Weekly 30: Bottom Left Starter by ⭐LumpyJan 14, 2019
2 Lumpy Weekly 30: Upper Left Starter by ⭐LumpyJan 14, 2019
2 Lumpy Weekly 30: Upper Right Starter by ⭐LumpyJan 14, 2019
1 You lost her.. by ThatGalaxyQueen !Jan 14, 2019
2 【Error】 by GoosyberryJan 14, 2019
3 Baked Pikachu by Villager ManJan 14, 2019
4 Help by wanderingentJan 14, 2019
1 Chill Sunset by ValJan 14, 2019
2 D o l p h i n by fydoJan 14, 2019
3 ULTRA COLOR by Camshaf7Jan 14, 2019
3 You are special by ValJan 14, 2019
2 【Microsoft 95】 by GoosyberryJan 14, 2019
2 bustin makes me feel good by Villager ManJan 14, 2019
5 It Is Possible That I Have Misunderstood the Theme by glacierJan 14, 2019
3 W A P O R V A V E A E S T H E T I C by F.O.ShaqJan 14, 2019
1 S U N S E T by CWJan 14, 2019
5 Vaporbutt by warpixelJan 14, 2019
1 Aliens love pizza by ThatGalaxyQueen !Jan 14, 2019
1 ネコ Meow by CWJan 14, 2019
4 Eventually, He stopped thinking. by loomieJan 14, 2019
10 k e y t a r s o l o by Camshaf7Jan 14, 2019
1 Goop and half of a sun by Allu GamezJan 14, 2019
1 Space Traffic by GrunionJan 14, 2019
3 Delorean and some a e s t e t h i c text by Allu GamezJan 14, 2019
11 Give them back their toys, Karen. by fydoJan 14, 2019
3 ~E X O T I C~ by ⭐BonnieMuffinsJan 15, 2019
7 ~Solo Jazz~ by ⭐BonnieMuffinsJan 15, 2019
11 I Still Do Not Think I Quite Understand What This Is Supposed To Look Like. by glacierJan 15, 2019
1 【Shooting Stars】 by ⭐NoxitiveJan 15, 2019
【Oh Woo, What is this?】 by ⭐NoxitiveJan 15, 2019
1 Water Filtration by loomieJan 15, 2019
6 Believe and Dream by ValJan 15, 2019
5 【Intergalactic Honey】 by GoosyberryJan 15, 2019
4 Overgrown Computer by vrolikJan 15, 2019
2 【CUBIC MADNESS】 by ⭐NoxitiveJan 15, 2019
1 Neon Be Trippy man by CWJan 15, 2019
1 Poolside by vrolikJan 15, 2019
5 F I J I O N L I N E by ⭐BonnieMuffinsJan 15, 2019
1 dragon ball flying over the clouds by Villager ManJan 15, 2019
1 Fitsel's Tile by FitselJan 16, 2019
1 i don't no ^^ by cod31n3Jan 16, 2019
1 I tried by Ryul-ZJan 16, 2019
1 thanks SkullieP by aneggnamedgreggJan 16, 2019
7 Fydo Gave Me An Extra Chance To Get This Right And I May Have Wasted It. by glacierJan 16, 2019
4 by fydoJan 16, 2019
2 Cherry Coke fountain of deliquescence by ChiengJan 17, 2019
8 S I M P S O N W A V E by Camshaf7Jan 17, 2019
1 demo disk aesthetic by DyTVJan 17, 2019
1 私はあなたの塊が大好きです by towelJan 17, 2019