The Game Boy Quilt Strikes Back

a quilt started by fydo on Jan 13, 2019, completed on Jan 20, 2019

No theme restriction on this one, but you can only use Nintendo Game Boy colors! See the link in the quilt details to get the palette!
Feel free to use the Original Game Boy Quilt or 2nd Game Boy Quilt as inspiration!

Is this your first time participating? Take a look at the Getting Started video!
10x4 rectangular tiles, each 40x36 pixels in size
Visible border of 8 pixels available for collaborating
Edges of the quilt wrap horizontally
Tiles become visible when their neighbours are complete
Checkout Rules
You'll have 12 hours to complete your tile after checkout
Only colors from this particular Nintendo Game Boy palette are allowed. The server will clamp any offending colors to the nearest color from this palette!
Contributors (16)
⭐BonnieMuffins (10), ⭐Noxitive (6), Allu Gamez (4), loomie (4), Grunion (2), jon (2), OmarTheNerd (2), Val (2), Basic Fool (1), Chieng (1), CW (1), DyTV (1), glacier (1), Rellycanth (1), sooshy (1), vrolik (1)
40 tiles completed! - Download 400x144 PNG     Creative Commons Licence
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4 Starter: Mario vs. Tetris by glacierJan 12, 2019
4 Level Complete! by RellycanthJan 14, 2019
Welcome to the Stage! by ⭐NoxitiveJan 14, 2019
1 Randy The Sewer Thing by GrunionJan 14, 2019
1 Guy waves finger at street lamp by Allu GamezJan 15, 2019
1 Duckie Game by Allu GamezJan 15, 2019
1 CHOPPA by Allu GamezJan 15, 2019
3 To the underground 1-2 by ⭐BonnieMuffinsJan 15, 2019
3 Tetris Adventure Deluxe by ⭐BonnieMuffinsJan 15, 2019
2 Pipe Maze by ⭐BonnieMuffinsJan 15, 2019
2 Space invasion by ⭐BonnieMuffinsJan 15, 2019
5 Puyo! by ⭐BonnieMuffinsJan 16, 2019
3 Intersecting Video Games by ⭐BonnieMuffinsJan 16, 2019
1 Mega Oiram by ⭐NoxitiveJan 16, 2019
4 I know where you can get a Mew by ⭐NoxitiveJan 16, 2019
Dead End? by ⭐NoxitiveJan 16, 2019
1 Bitty Kirb by vrolikJan 16, 2019
2 Megaman VS Mercury by loomieJan 16, 2019
3 Super Fighting Robot by ⭐BonnieMuffinsJan 17, 2019
3 Ladder to Another Zone by ⭐BonnieMuffinsJan 17, 2019
3 BomberMan's Wrecking Services by ⭐BonnieMuffinsJan 17, 2019
1 Tear of space by ValJan 17, 2019
2 Pong by ValJan 17, 2019
2 Evolution of Kirby Final Boss Fights - Part 1 by loomieJan 18, 2019
Sunset beach by Allu GamezJan 18, 2019
3 DX Ball by ⭐BonnieMuffinsJan 18, 2019
2 NO ALONE! by ⭐NoxitiveJan 19, 2019
2 The face of Greed by ChiengJan 19, 2019
2 WARIO! OH YEAH! by ⭐NoxitiveJan 19, 2019
2 Green by GrunionJan 19, 2019
1 Ceru chest gameboy by DyTVJan 20, 2019
2 link's awakening - gone fishing by jonJan 20, 2019
1 Irken Empires Number 1 G.I.R Unit by CWJan 20, 2019
2 Nobody's Home by loomieJan 20, 2019
2 an interstellar assault by jonJan 20, 2019
4 Green Dad?!?!? by OmarTheNerdJan 20, 2019
1 Super Mario Land 2 by OmarTheNerdJan 20, 2019
1 Ol' Bones by Basic FoolJan 20, 2019
4 Megaman & Rush by sooshyJan 20, 2019
1 insert tile name here by loomieJan 20, 2019