Pixel Pajama: Crustacean
a quilt started by ⭐abonbon on Apr 11, 2021, completed on Jul 16, 2021- Description
Theme: "Crustacean"
Welcome again to the Pixel Pajama Studios community! Crabby time! Let's also work together to make some fun, collaborative art!
Is this your first time participating? Take a look at the Getting Started video!
Check out Pixel Pajama's Discord server and official website!- Dimensions
- 6x6 rectangular tiles, each 60x45 pixels in size
Visible border of 12 pixels available for collaborating
Edges of the quilt wrap both horizontally and vertically - Visibility
- Tiles become visible when their neighbours are complete
- Checkout Rules
- You'll have 24 hours to complete your tile after checkout
A maximum of 2 tiles per user, please - Palette
- Only colors from the Rainbow God palette are allowed. The server will clamp any offending colors to the nearest color from this palette!
- Contributors (26)
- ⭐Ayunema (2), ChocoBoo (2), DK (2), Drifton Aloft (2), Empress (2), Haboo (2), Mimiheart (2), ⭐nateycakes (2), ⭐Noxitive (2), ThisTime (2), ⭐abonbon (1), ⭐arisuki (1), Catzup (1), Cyril (1), glacier (1), graylure (1), Jane (1), Jettshade (1), LenLenOCE (1), River (1), SeizedClod22 (1), Sk3ll (1), SuspiciousTumbleweed (1), TwiGinTec™ (1), veehive (1), ZeFirePotato (1)
- Completion
- 36 tiles completed! - Download 360x270 PNG
Click a tile for info...
9 Scarcrab Holds The Mighty Orb by DK
8 A couple of shrimps. by ChocoBoo
7 cooked shrimp goblin by TwiGinTec™
7 UwU Crab by graylure
6 Wanna Fight by Drifton Aloft
6 Foamy Sea by Empress
6 ZOip zoip zoip zoip zoip by Drifton Aloft
6 Le Mollusque by Haboo
6 Anchois... by Haboo
6 Beach party by ⭐nateycakes
8 A couple of shrimps. by ChocoBoo
7 cooked shrimp goblin by TwiGinTec™
7 UwU Crab by graylure
6 Wanna Fight by Drifton Aloft
6 Foamy Sea by Empress
6 ZOip zoip zoip zoip zoip by Drifton Aloft
6 Le Mollusque by Haboo
6 Anchois... by Haboo
6 Beach party by ⭐nateycakes
@ayunema610 @FabiolaB00 DK @fr4cktur3d Empress @Haboocas @mimiheart9 @nateycakes_ @Noxitive ThisTime @_abonbon @alisuca3 Catzup Cyril @windfallapples @graylure Jane @DanMangen @LenLenOCE River SeizedClod22 @sk3ll2 @SuspiTumbleweed @TecGin @veeh1ve @ZeFirePotato