Lumpy Weekly 13: Lump
a quilt started by ⭐Lumpy on Jun 26, 2018, completed on Jul 10, 2018- Description
Theme: "Lump"
The 13th LumpyTouch Community Collab is a special one! We are celebrating Lumpy's birthday and his one year streaming anniversary! Draw anything 'lump' related. A lump of goo, a lump in the throat. OR you can incorporate any of the fantastic stream characters: Lumpy (me) Beans (the dog) Clumpy, Lumpai, FH, Heartman, Heartman Jr, etc.
We're using the MS Paint XP palette! (see below) Is this your first time participating? Take a look at the Getting Started video!
Lumpy's Pixelart Stream, Discord, and Twitter- Dimensions
- 10x6 square tiles, each 30x30 pixels in size
Visible border of 4 pixels available for collaborating
Edges of the quilt wrap both horizontally and vertically - Visibility
- Tiles only become visible when the entire quilt is complete!
- Checkout Rules
- You'll have 12 hours to complete your tile after checkout
A maximum of 5 tiles per user, please - Palette
- Only colors from the MSPaint XP palette are allowed. The server will clamp any offending colors to the nearest color from this palette!
- Contributors (25)
- glacier (5), Last (5), Nova (5), ReignitedInferno (5), Battery Jellyfish (4), ⭐Lumpy (4), asa702 (3), Cosmic Cat Pixie (3), th3d0rkknightz (3), Zarl (3), AzzyDev (2), DoppleDanger (2), Just_Chillin_95 (2), Rascoone (2), Renan Martins (2), Apoostrophe (1), Axelhunder (1), Brian Ancliffe (1), fydo (1), kermalgam (1), NostalgicPoet (1), SalamiChild (1), Signing up is really easy. (1), Vij (1), yacksebblen (1)
- Completion
- 60 tiles completed! - Download 300x180 PNG
Click a tile for info...

@windfallapples @thenoblestlemon @bslrodrigo @TheTrueIgni @batteryjelly @LumpyTouch asa702 @CosmicCatStudio @timjbynum @Zarl_png @sharkbird12 @DoppleDanger_ Just_Chillin_95 @RayRascoone @renanmc27 @apoostrophe Axelhunder Brian Ancliffe @fydo kermalgam NostalgicPoet @SalamiChild Signing up is really easy. @_V_I_J_ yacksebblen