Pixel Pajama: Internet

a quilt started by Sk3ll on Oct 28, 2020, completed on Nov 12, 2020

Theme: "Internet"
Welcome again to the Pixel Pajama Studios community! It's prime time for computer time! Let's explore the web and work together to make some fun, collaborative art!

Is this your first time participating? Take a look at the Getting Started video!

Check out Pixel Pajama's Discord server and official website!
6x6 rectangular tiles, each 60x45 pixels in size
Visible border of 8 pixels available for collaborating
Edges of the quilt wrap both horizontally and vertically
Tiles become visible when their neighbours are complete
Checkout Rules
You'll have 24 hours to complete your tile after checkout
A maximum of 2 tiles per user, please
Only colors from the 16 Bital palette are allowed. The server will clamp any offending colors to the nearest color from this palette!
Contributors (22)
Sk3ll (3), Big. Godon (2), ChocoBoo (2), Goosyberry (2), IsaGamerStudios (2), JamesTDG (2), Mariothedog (2), SymbolsWriter (2), terderrer (2), thatscheesy (2), TheNoSnowPerson (2), TwiGinTec™ (2), Weasel (2), ⭐abonbon (1), ButtButtTheNobelButt (1), glacier (1), Grunion (1), H (1), main-tan (1), MedDaKvas (1), reverie (1), SigilSquared (1)
36 tiles completed! - Download 360x270 PNG     Creative Commons Licence
Click a tile for info...

11 Starter: You make fydo tiles? Name every fydo quilt. by Sk3llOct 28, 2020
3 Nyan Cat by MariothedogOct 29, 2020
22 Welcome To The Internet! by GrunionOct 29, 2020
6 do you know da wae ? by TwiGinTec™Oct 30, 2020
8 Lamp oil. Rope? Bombs? You want it? It's yours my friend. As long as you have enough rupees. by Sk3llOct 30, 2020
7 look guys, its bowsette ! Thats worth a few likes, right ? by TwiGinTec™Oct 30, 2020
1 Got Caught "Browsing" by TheNoSnowPersonOct 30, 2020
6 Rare pepe by WeaselOct 31, 2020
2 Mate I'm having a quick smoke by WeaselOct 31, 2020
Rules of the Internet by MariothedogOct 31, 2020
1 1NT3RN3T W0RMS by IsaGamerStudiosNov 1, 2020
6 get those hearts by GoosyberryNov 1, 2020
Demon's body by terderrerNov 2, 2020
Long Code Cat-or-Dog by terderrerNov 2, 2020
9 Rickrolled. by JamesTDGNov 2, 2020
9 sad cat :( by GoosyberryNov 3, 2020
6 grumpy cat by ⭐abonbonNov 4, 2020
Shrek by HNov 4, 2020
9 When your quilt idea finally happens by JamesTDGNov 4, 2020
7 maze game by Big. GodonNov 4, 2020
1 Get your head out of the clouds, man... by IsaGamerStudiosNov 4, 2020
1 I'm just studying I swear by TheNoSnowPersonNov 4, 2020
2 Strange Internet Dog by thatscheesyNov 4, 2020
8 jeremy by Big. GodonNov 4, 2020
6 Rat race by ButtButtTheNobelButtNov 5, 2020
3 Big Chungus by thatscheesyNov 5, 2020
12 GMod by SymbolsWriterNov 6, 2020
4 Spongebob Squarepants's Sweet Victory by ChocoBooNov 6, 2020
7 Mr. Orang by MedDaKvasNov 6, 2020
9 Pink Guy :,( by ChocoBooNov 6, 2020
9 GET STICKBUGGED LOL by reverieNov 7, 2020
4 Chumbox by SigilSquaredNov 7, 2020
5 vibe check by Sk3llNov 8, 2020
28 tweet tweet, motherclucker by SymbolsWriterNov 9, 2020
9 A Bit of a Crush in this Bit of a Bitcrush! by glacierNov 12, 2020
7 wtf trolle d?????? by main-tanNov 12, 2020