Lumpy Weekly 70: Dragon

a quilt started by ⭐Lumpy on Aug 24, 2020, completed on Sep 20, 2020

Theme: "Dragon"
Welcome the 70th LumpyTouch Weekly Quilt! Dragon time! There are many different kinds of dragons featured throughout history, both real and fictional! Let's see your interpretation! Please remember that we're also interpreting and incorporating what fun edges the neighbour(s) provide and leaving an interesting/usable edge for the next artist! Let's work together to hide the grid!

Keep in mind you have a full 24 hours to work on your tile! Take your time and submit the best tile you can!

Is this your first time participating? Take a look at the Getting Started video!
Lumpy's Pixelart Stream, Discord, and Twitter
7x6 rectangular tiles, each 92x60 pixels in size
Visible border of 30 pixels available for collaborating
Edges of the quilt wrap both horizontally and vertically
Tiles only become visible when the quilt administrator decides!
Checkout Rules
You'll have 24 hours to complete your tile after checkout
A maximum of 2 tiles per user, please
Only colors from the Mystical Leaf palette are allowed. The server will clamp any offending colors to the nearest color from this palette!
Contributors (40)
Goosyberry (2), Sk3ll (2), ButtButtTheNobelButt (1), ChocoBoo (1), crimsonbok (1), cugmonkey4 (1), DanFramesProd (1), Deadcool (1), Dylz3 (1), Eskilo (1), fully_synthetic67 (1), Gilokk0 (1), glacier (1), Gourt_the_Grimey (1), Honey Chan (1), IsaGamerStudios (1), JamesTDG (1), jepthepogi (1), Jettshade (1), Karv (1), Kugonah (1), lolke12 (1), ⭐Lumpy (1), MedDaKvas (1), NotTheAveragePerson (1), ⭐Noxitive (1), nullfeels (1), omee noms (1), Paintkan (1), Panciraptor (1), Rafa The Beat (1), smiesznefretki (1), Spaceduck (1), SuperSodaYoda14 (1), SymbolsWriter (1), SysNico (1), TwiGinTec™ (1), veehive (1), warpixel (1), XerDraws (1)
42 tiles completed! - Download 644x360 PNG     Creative Commons Licence
Click a tile for info...

7 Lumpy Weeky 70: Starter Tile by ⭐LumpyAug 24, 2020
3 a silly dragon by TwiGinTec™Aug 24, 2020
2 Tasty Treat by Honey ChanAug 24, 2020
7 Dunkelzahn for President by KarvAug 24, 2020
11 Starter: Lightning Knightress by glacierAug 24, 2020
1 Back of the Dragon by crimsonbokAug 24, 2020
2 Neon Dratini (Neotini, if you will) by JettshadeAug 24, 2020
2 Flygons are dragons too :) by Gourt_the_GrimeyAug 25, 2020
2 Green and greedy by ButtButtTheNobelButtAug 25, 2020
1 Questionable Loot by SysNicoAug 25, 2020
4 dragon girl: check by smiesznefretkiAug 25, 2020
2 Donkey's Scaley Wife by Rafa The BeatAug 25, 2020
3 Actually a crocodile, but don't tell him that! by PaintkanAug 25, 2020
1 Dragon Eggs by warpixelAug 25, 2020
3 Dragon Body by cugmonkey4Aug 25, 2020
3 NOT DRAGON by jepthepogiAug 26, 2020
3 Mighty Dragon by Gilokk0Aug 26, 2020
Dragoon strike and C'thulu versus an odd turret by JamesTDGAug 26, 2020
3 Dalinda inspects the call by Sk3llAug 27, 2020
2 RAR! by IsaGamerStudiosAug 27, 2020
8 Bowser is at least part dragon, right? by GoosyberryAug 27, 2020
4 ᶜʰⁱᵇⁱᴳᵒᵈᶻⁱˡˡᵃ & ᶜʰⁱᵇⁱᴹᵒᵗʰʳᵃ (•ө•)♡ by PanciraptorAug 27, 2020
1 I don't know how to draw dragons by lolke12Aug 28, 2020
5 Extra angry paolumu(monster hunter world) by veehiveAug 28, 2020
1 Whipering Dragon by NotTheAveragePersonAug 28, 2020
2 Maleficent by ChocoBooAug 28, 2020
8 You've kept me waiting, Alice by SymbolsWriterAug 29, 2020
6 he is angy by omee nomsAug 29, 2020
4 Dragon in a Barrel by MedDaKvasAug 30, 2020
1 In the realm of the Swamp Dragon by XerDrawsAug 30, 2020
1 Brood Mother by DeadcoolAug 31, 2020
2 data:image/png;base64, iVBORw0KG08... by DanFramesProdSep 1, 2020
1 Tower dragon(s) by Dylz3Sep 1, 2020
1 Keeper of Skulls by KugonahSep 1, 2020
1 Dragon Vine by EskiloSep 1, 2020
1 Behold the mighty dragon boi. by nullfeelsSep 1, 2020
2 Fracktail, robotic guardian of the Pure Heart by SpaceduckSep 3, 2020
2 Dagron by SuperSodaYoda14Sep 4, 2020
1 Amphibious Amphithere by fully_synthetic67Sep 4, 2020
3 meow meow mememwoemeomeow by GoosyberrySep 18, 2020
6 tohru by Sk3llSep 19, 2020
1 Dragon Grill 101 by ⭐NoxitiveSep 20, 2020