Pixel Collabs 15: Isometric Garden

a quilt started by ⭐Noxitive on Jul 2, 2020, completed on Jul 29, 2020

Theme: "Isometric Garden" (You must use the 2:1 pixel isometric perspective)

An example of 2:1
isometric perspective
by Noxitive
"Hello fellow adventures of the Pixel Collabs guild, we meet yet again!
We've come a long way since we last saw each other, how have you been? Good, I hope!
Me and my feathered friends have settled down for the moment. We've made a garden and need to care and grow some things!
Do you want to tag along? It's quite fun! (Just don't let one of the birds catch you with your flower seeds. Else you won't be growing much haha!)"

Hey! Nox here! Welcome to this special quilt! We're doing an Isometric themed one this time around. So remember that each tile MUST be in a 2:1 isometric, top-down perspective view. If you're unsure, then you can google some isometric art to get some references and inspiration.
And remember, have fun!

Is this your first time participating? Take a look at the Getting Started video!

Check out the PixelCollabs Discord server and their official website!
8x4 rectangular tiles, each 48x54 pixels in size
Visible border of 12 pixels available for collaborating
Edges of the quilt wrap both horizontally and vertically
Tiles become visible when their neighbours are complete
Checkout Rules
You'll have 24 hours to complete your tile after checkout
A maximum of 2 tiles per user, please
Only colors from the FullOfJoy20 palette are allowed. The server will clamp any offending colors to the nearest color from this palette!
Contributors (23)
Braquen (2), ButtButtTheNobelButt (2), ChocoBoo (2), glacier (2), ⭐Noxitive (2), Penguindracula (2), Sethey7993 (2), Sk3ll (2), veehive (2), ⭐abonbon (1), aksuhaly (1), Big. Godon (1), Chasode Kibuchi (1), fro (1), fydo (1), Golden Cookie (1), Grunion (1), Jettshade (1), Jezaiya (1), Leonheart515 (1), Panciraptor (1), ⭐PixelShorts (1), Red Penguin (1)
32 tiles completed! - Download 384x216 PNG     Creative Commons Licence
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7 Starter: Little Garden by ⭐NoxitiveJul 2, 2020
6 Frog statue by ButtButtTheNobelButtJul 3, 2020
3 The zombies are coming!!! by Sk3llJul 3, 2020
12 shroom zone by Big. GodonJul 4, 2020
11 Botanist 💐 by PenguindraculaJul 4, 2020
5 Titanus Gojira by PanciraptorJul 6, 2020
1 Ground Bucket by GrunionJul 6, 2020
3 Titanus Mosura protecting the Garden by ChocoBooJul 7, 2020
10 Terrace at the Edge of the Forest by glacierJul 7, 2020
6 monsters can farm too by veehiveJul 8, 2020
5 Viva Piñata by Sk3llJul 9, 2020
5 MANIFOLD GARD∃N by Chasode KibuchiJul 11, 2020
1 The cliffside by Golden CookieJul 11, 2020
7 Just a ghost enjoying the garden. by ChocoBooJul 12, 2020
2 A Mysterious Inner Tube Has Appeared! by JettshadeJul 12, 2020
6 Another hard day of work at the sphere farm by fydoJul 13, 2020
4 Naked Little Gardener? by ⭐PixelShortsJul 13, 2020
5 A quest for Flower Seeds! by ⭐NoxitiveJul 14, 2020
5 Sepernts home. by ButtButtTheNobelButtJul 15, 2020
2 farm 2 tabel by froJul 15, 2020
4 Elevated bridge by veehiveJul 18, 2020
4 Lonely Pumpkin by BraquenJul 19, 2020
3 Down by the Piranha Patch.. by glacierJul 20, 2020
1 Impossible garden by BraquenJul 22, 2020
5 waterfront flower bed by ⭐abonbonJul 23, 2020
4 The Witness by Red PenguinJul 23, 2020
4 Mountain McGee by Sethey7993Jul 23, 2020
2 Big ol Piranha plant by Sethey7993Jul 24, 2020
3 wet by aksuhalyJul 24, 2020
4 The Wrong Garden by Leonheart515Jul 25, 2020
10 ✨"unknown cat welcomes you"✨ by PenguindraculaJul 28, 2020
6 FEED ME OR DIE by JezaiyaJul 29, 2020