Pixel Pajama: Floating Kingdoms

a quilt started by ⭐abonbon on May 14, 2020, completed on Jun 8, 2020

Theme: "Floating Kingdoms"
Welcome again to the Pixel Pajama Studios community! Let's take to the skies and discover what floating wonders we can find! We hope you enjoy your time working together to make some fun, collaborative art!

Is this your first time participating? Take a look at the Getting Started video!

Check out Pixel Pajama's Discord server and official website!
8x4 rectangular tiles, each 48x54 pixels in size
Visible border of 12 pixels available for collaborating
Edges of the quilt wrap both horizontally and vertically
Tiles become visible when their neighbours are complete
Checkout Rules
You'll have 24 hours to complete your tile after checkout
A maximum of 2 tiles per user, please
Only colors from the Spanish Sunset palette are allowed. The server will clamp any offending colors to the nearest color from this palette!
Contributors (23)
⭐arisuki (2), ButtButtTheNobelButt (2), ChocoBoo (2), edensketchbook (2), JamesTDG (2), Panciraptor (2), Penguindracula (2), Risky Biznu (2), Sk3ll (2), ⭐abonbon (1), Chasode Kibuchi (1), fedellen (1), Golden Cookie (1), Grunion (1), Jettshade (1), Jezaiya (1), Jin9310 (1), ⭐Noxitive (1), Pokepika5 (1), reverie (1), Robocat12 (1), Spinneborg (1), SymbolsWriter (1)
32 tiles completed! - Download 384x216 PNG     Creative Commons Licence
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2 Starter by ⭐abonbonMay 14, 2020
3 Sometimes, a skyblock can even be a kingdom by JamesTDGMay 14, 2020
8 Star Ally by PanciraptorMay 15, 2020
Storming The (Floating) Castle by Risky BiznuMay 15, 2020
3 a floating kingdom in the sky by fedellenMay 15, 2020
2 Bowser's Big Airship by JamesTDGMay 15, 2020
5 Balloon King by GrunionMay 15, 2020
5 Solar Flare Armour by ButtButtTheNobelButtMay 16, 2020
1 In Lava Bathing Duck by Pokepika5May 16, 2020
5 Nightmare's Power Orb by ChocoBooMay 17, 2020
3 Evil Castle at the distance by SpinneborgMay 17, 2020
3 Bunny Statue by Risky BiznuMay 18, 2020
8 🌕Weather Service: (stay inside, don't) look at the night sky 🌕 by PenguindraculaMay 20, 2020
5 Owlboy ^o,o^ by ChocoBooMay 21, 2020
2 Cloud monster by Jin9310May 22, 2020
11 Castle of the mists by ⭐arisukiMay 22, 2020
6 ✨🍄✨ by PenguindraculaMay 22, 2020
1 ☁️🏠☁️ by edensketchbookMay 23, 2020
3 Queen of the Monsters by PanciraptorMay 23, 2020
2 Cloud city by Sk3llMay 24, 2020
9 Wyverns by Sk3llMay 24, 2020
1 Rotor castle takes flight! by Robocat12May 24, 2020
7 Disc World by ButtButtTheNobelButtMay 25, 2020
1 Feels Good by JettshadeMay 25, 2020
2 Helical spires by Chasode KibuchiMay 25, 2020
3 You tosed WHAT INTO THE LAVA by Golden CookieMay 26, 2020
2 pulling of the pin by reverieMay 27, 2020
4 The Blarrgghh of a Thousand Eyes by JezaiyaMay 29, 2020
3 castle in ruins ☄ by edensketchbookMay 30, 2020
2 The good ship p i x e l by ⭐arisukiMay 31, 2020
The tower in the clouds by ⭐NoxitiveMay 31, 2020
4 Behold my floating masterpiece! The Egg Carrier! by SymbolsWriterJun 8, 2020