/r/imsorryjon Quilt: Halloween and Horror Garfield
a quilt started by CokeBoi on Oct 8, 2019, completed on Nov 1, 2019- Description
- Welcome to the r/imsorryjon anniversary quilt! Please keep all submissions SFW, incorporate the edges, and follow the theme. Have fun.
Is this your first time participating? Take a look at the Getting Started video! - Dimensions
- 6x7 rectangular tiles, each 90x75 pixels in size
Visible border of 16 pixels available for collaborating
Edges of the quilt wrap both horizontally and vertically - Visibility
- Tiles become visible when their neighbours are complete
- Checkout Rules
- You'll have 24 hours to complete your tile after checkout
A maximum of 2 tiles per user, please - Palette
- Only colors from this custom palette are allowed. The server will clamp any offending colors to the nearest color from this palette!
- Contributors (27)
- CokeBoi (3), aliensphynx (2), Churbex (2), CozmoBoom (2), Estefi Kun (2), Grunion (2), JamesTDG (2), Math Guten (2), MedDaKvas (2), myrmyxo (2), Qwot (2), Samantha Imrich (2), SpikeBerd (2), thedeadlyeagle79 (2), Big. Godon (1), Bob Chen (1), Chocolate Seuss (1), Cowcannon (1), Doran Lightbringer (1), fallen_guardian2 (1), Garf (1), Jettshade (1), kay (1), âLumpy (1), Markus10199 (1), SuperSodaYoda14 (1), Tur713 (1)
- Completion
- 42 tiles completed! - Download 540x525 PNG
Click a tile for info...
17 Soooooooooooo Huuungrrryyyy by âLumpy
16 It's lasagna day john by Samantha Imrich
13 Easy bake oven by aliensphynx
11 "Jon, I'm going to create a new universe without mondays, Jon..." by MedDaKvas
8 The Main Ingredient by MedDaKvas
7 our lord by aliensphynx
6 Why Jon, just why! by Grunion
6 The Mirror's Image by Garf
6 Garfsans n Friends by SpikeBerd
5 Abomination by Qwot
16 It's lasagna day john by Samantha Imrich
13 Easy bake oven by aliensphynx
11 "Jon, I'm going to create a new universe without mondays, Jon..." by MedDaKvas
8 The Main Ingredient by MedDaKvas
7 our lord by aliensphynx
6 Why Jon, just why! by Grunion
6 The Mirror's Image by Garf
6 Garfsans n Friends by SpikeBerd
5 Abomination by Qwot
@CokeBoiiiiiii @aliensphynx Churbex CozmoBoom @_Fan_Kun_ @fart JamesTDG Math Guten @MedDaKvas @myrmyxo Qwot Samantha Imrich @BerdBoy1 thedeadlyeagle79 @SsoSses Bob Chen Chocolate Seuss Cowcannon @PronomicalArt fallen_guardian2 Garf @DanMangen kay @LumpyTouch Markus10199 SuperSodaYoda14 @Tur713Turtle