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Riding down the Technolane

a tile created by Gors

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Pixel Pajama: Neon Heights
Gors's Description

The uranium cores that power my bike are already running out. What's the point of developing powerful energy sources if newer devices drain all that power in matter of weeks? So much effort is spent to mine the already scarce uranium ores and transform them into rods that feed into the cores, and it all goes away like tears in the rain. When will our relentless march of progress end? When will we become satisfied? I must drive every day to slave away at work so that I can afford new cores to keep working. And what if my bike finally breaks down? Am I like this bike as well? Will I break down soon?

Checked in
Jun 19, 2023
50x50 pixels
Only colors from the IT Crowd (created by JamesTDG) palette are allowed. The server will clamp any offending colors to the nearest color from this palette!