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- Part of Quilt
- Haboo's Description
I've done a lot of PaRappa art lately, maybe I should cut down. Maybe I should snip it out. Give it a good trim out of my workflow. Maybe even permanently, really shave it down... At least until all of the fervor dyes down a little...
(And if for some reason you're wondering, yes I know Lammy's hair doesn't look like that in the stage the idea is that Parappa only half-finished her hair before moving on to Slapdash lady's big trim with Takoyama, thus why she looks so mildly peeved).
- Checked in
- Jun 1, 2021
- Dimensions
- 88x33 pixels
- Palette
- Only colors from the Celestial (by Frostlace) palette are allowed. The server will clamp any offending colors to the nearest color from this palette!