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Blue is the other impostor, I just saw him vent!

a tile created by JamesTDG

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Part of Quilt
Lospec: Elements
JamesTDG's Description

*Emergency Meeting*

Blue: What?!

Green: Where?

Pink: ???

Lime: Blue is the other imp, I just saw him vent near medbay

Blue: No, I was nowhere even near medbay

Green: Then where were you?

(Lime has voted)

Blue: Electrical

Pink: I saw him there

Green: Then that makes you sus, Lime

Lime(Voted): what?! no, I srsly saw him in there!

Green: Yeah, right...

(Green has voted)

(Pink has voted)

Lime(Voted): Guys, no, I am not the impostor, please, stop!

(Blue has voted)

. 。 • ゚ 。 .

. . 。 。 .

. 。 ඞ 。 . • •

゚ Lime was not An Impostor. 。 .

' 1 Impostor remains 。

゚ . . , . .

Checked in
Oct 11, 2020
24x24 pixels
Only colors from the skedd16 palette are allowed. The server will clamp any offending colors to the nearest color from this palette!