(Tap/click to toggle)
- Part of Quilt
- Wolfpack Quilt 3: Demented Disney
- Dadgum's Description
- After burning down Mickey's vacation home in Arizona, Goofy chases Mickey into the desert. When Mickey can no longer run, he turns to face Goofy. Goofy confesses that he is technically a Rat Terrier and he cant help but to kill and eat rats. Goofy admits that was the fate Minnie already suffered, before pulling the trigger and shooting Mickey through the head. Mickey reaches behind his head to feel the blood and brains spill out of his skull as he slips into the afterlife.
- Checked in
- Feb 9, 2019
- Dimensions
- 64x64 pixels
- Palette
- Only colors from the Fantasy 24 palette are allowed. The server will clamp any offending colors to the nearest color from this palette!