tono's Bento Box

a quilt started by tono on Feb 2, 2024, completed on Mar 6, 2024

Theme: "Bento Box"
Hey everyfroggy, it's quilt time! Select a tile and draw a bento/food themed quilt. General rules no nsfw or generally rude things. You can draw more than one tile.
4x5 square tiles, each 64x64 pixels in size
Visible border of 15 pixels available for collaborating
Tiles become visible as soon as they are uploaded
Checkout Rules
You'll have 24 hours to complete your tile after checkout
Only colors from the Rosy 42 palette are allowed. The server will clamp any offending colors to the nearest color from this palette!
Contributors (10)
tono (6), juliagoodish (3), pixelgroover (3), DaAllygator (2), cro (1), iyfias (1), Lesma (1), Mima (1), pixelated_robin (1), Splishy (1)
20 tiles completed! - Download 256x320 PNG     Creative Commons Licence
Click a tile for info...

@illufinch juliagoodish pixelgroover @DaAllygator cro @iyfias Lesma Mima pixelated_robin @splishyplash
2 picnic time by tonoFeb 11, 2024
1 The scavengers by juliagoodishFeb 14, 2024
bento boxo by pixelgrooverFeb 16, 2024
Amour's tile by tonoFeb 17, 2024
Amour's tile 2 by tonoFeb 17, 2024
1 Smol Alligator Friend Bringing Food for Friends! by DaAllygatorFeb 23, 2024
Moosh wants some by LesmaFeb 23, 2024
Bento Forest by pixelgrooverFeb 23, 2024
1 teddybear picnic by tonoFeb 23, 2024
Splish Plash Picnic Bash ^-^ by SplishyMar 1, 2024
4 meow by pixelated_robinMar 1, 2024
1 hotdogtopus by juliagoodishMar 3, 2024
Amour's tile 3 by tonoMar 3, 2024
chamomile tea dragon by iyfiasMar 3, 2024
FroggoKitty and Void Kitty join the party!! by DaAllygatorMar 3, 2024
4 Sneaky wizard by MimaMar 4, 2024
1 long distance bear picnic by juliagoodishMar 4, 2024
Bento Jam by pixelgrooverMar 5, 2024
3 Silk's tile by tonoMar 6, 2024
what the... by croMar 6, 2024