Halloween at Cafe Dot

a quilt started by TofuPixel on Oct 24, 2023, completed on Oct 31, 2023

Theme: "Halloween at Cafe Dot"
Hello Cafe Dot! Let’s celebrate this Halloween season with a quilt! You are encouraged to draw spooky cafe related things as well as Matcha and even your own cafe-sonas with a Halloween twist! Enjoy and have fun!

As always, please do your best to stay on theme and integrate the edges of your neighbors as much as possible! Please also leave some interesting edges for your future neighbors :3c

If you are interested in a Discord server that is working towards being a hub outside of social media for art and art enjoyers, check out the server! discord.gg/cafedot (also on Twitter as well)
7x7 square tiles, each 32x32 pixels in size
Visible border of 10 pixels available for collaborating
Edges of the quilt wrap both horizontally and vertically
Tiles only become visible when the quilt administrator decides!
Checkout Rules
You'll have 24 hours to complete your tile after checkout
A maximum of 4 tiles per user, please
Only colors from Witchy (created by Tofu) palette are allowed. The server will clamp any offending colors to the nearest color from this palette!
Contributors (31)
TofuPixel (4), Salami_Hunter (3), ⭐TinyJustice24 (3), VirtuallyToast (3), Axolotine (2), DankShamwow (2), Jug (2), Los Pixels Hermanos (2), minimoonbun (2), symni (2), Vivante_ (2), WasabiGuy21 (2), Yumykon (2), Budder28 (1), Cow (1), CruelusRex (1), Denkidai (1), Forastor (1), glacier (1), Grass37 (1), Jasmo (1), JaviScripter (1), Kriket (1), namilait (1), Netherite_axe (1), pixelmage_ (1), TitoDito (1), vy (1), Walkimist (1), Winomas (1), ZeroGauna (1)
49 tiles completed! - Download 224x224 PNG     Creative Commons Licence
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@tofupixel @Salami_Hunter TinyJustice24 @virtuallytoast Axolotine @dankshamwow Jug @PixelsHermanos @minimoonbun @symnister Vivante_ WasabiGuy21 @Yumykon @Budder283 @yvkiart @CruelusR Denkidai @Forastor @windfallapples Grass37 Jasmo @JaviScripter @kriket_b namilait Netherite_axe pixelmage_ TitoDito vy Walkimist @WinomaS ZeroGauna
1 roof and tree by AxolotineOct 23, 2023
1 Salami serving coffee by Salami_HunterOct 23, 2023
1 Lone Crow by WalkimistOct 23, 2023
1 cat-o'-lantern by minimoonbunOct 23, 2023
1 Spider_tree_ribbon by Vivante_Oct 23, 2023
2 Starter Tile by TofuPixelOct 24, 2023
2 A Mice Morning Brew by ⭐TinyJustice24Oct 24, 2023
1 Snackies Served by TofuPixelOct 24, 2023
1 Flies and webs by Salami_HunterOct 24, 2023
1 Ruined Wall by namilaitOct 24, 2023
2 Count Matchula and Spider pal! by Budder28Oct 24, 2023
1 Flying Away to New Horizons by ZeroGaunaOct 24, 2023
1 Spooky Mist, A Pumpkin, and More! by DankShamwowOct 24, 2023
2 To brew or not to brew! by WasabiGuy21Oct 24, 2023
1 A TINY bit Spoopy by ⭐TinyJustice24Oct 25, 2023
1 Pie with Tea by JasmoOct 25, 2023
7 Matcha evil eyebrow by WinomasOct 25, 2023
1 bat and pumpkin and rooftop... and painting? by AxolotineOct 26, 2023
1 Mocha as a voodoo doll by Los Pixels HermanosOct 26, 2023
1 Matcha's pumpkin spice drink by pixelmage_Oct 27, 2023
2 Fox and ghost drinking tea by Vivante_Oct 27, 2023
1 A spooky corner by ForastorOct 27, 2023
7 Morris eats cheese by VirtuallyToastOct 27, 2023
2 Many eyes by VirtuallyToastOct 27, 2023
5 MOON MATCHA by TofuPixelOct 28, 2023
3 Cleaning Out the Cobwebs (Magic Edition) by KriketOct 28, 2023
1 Witchy Witchy! by YumykonOct 28, 2023
2 Silly Nethriite Tile! by Netherite_axeOct 28, 2023
2 Candy amp by YumykonOct 28, 2023
1 Wandering ghost by symniOct 28, 2023
1 Spooky Coffee and Chill by WasabiGuy21Oct 28, 2023
2 Flight of the Spooky Brews! by glacierOct 28, 2023
2 RIP by minimoonbunOct 29, 2023
2 by vyOct 29, 2023
1 Bubble Bubble, Toil and Trouble by TitoDitoOct 29, 2023
4 The Flesh Hungers by DankShamwowOct 29, 2023
1 ghosts' night out💅✨ by symniOct 29, 2023
1 Cat in Pot by DenkidaiOct 29, 2023
2 A yummy snack for little ol me by JugOct 29, 2023
1 Ghost Workers by Grass37Oct 29, 2023
1 Not Mushroom Left After Blending Edges by ⭐TinyJustice24Oct 29, 2023
1 zOM by JaviScripterOct 30, 2023
2 portrait by CowOct 30, 2023
1 A spilled coffee reveals dark memories by Los Pixels HermanosOct 30, 2023
2 Moldy slime eating a table by Salami_HunterOct 31, 2023
4 They who live underground by CruelusRexOct 31, 2023
3 fox spirit by JugOct 31, 2023
1 Gravestones by VirtuallyToastOct 31, 2023
4 HELL IS AMONG US by TofuPixelOct 31, 2023