Beta Test Quilt

a quilt started by fydo on Jan 19, 2018, completed on Aug 16, 2018

This fun quilt is to test the edge wrapping functionality!
10x4 rectangular tiles, each 32x48 pixels in size
Visible border of 8 pixels available for collaborating
Edges of the quilt wrap both horizontally and vertically
Tiles become visible when their neighbours are complete
Checkout Rules
You'll have 12 hours to complete your tile after checkout
Contributors (9)
Fyda (13), fydo (13), Dyldudy (3), Jeff Powers (3), glacier (2), Grunion (2), Sybirhin (2), Pyros Shade (1), RazielDSM (1)
40 tiles completed! - Download 320x192 PNG     Creative Commons Licence
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3 A world of color awaits ... by fydoJan 19, 2018
Broken Ice by FydaJan 22, 2018
Rainbow rain by FydaJan 22, 2018
1 Dessert time! by fydoJan 23, 2018
Let's go skiing! by fydoJan 25, 2018
Rainbow Sea of Sticks by FydaJan 26, 2018
1 A Sad Tale by FydaJan 26, 2018
Snowy Country Intersection by FydaJan 26, 2018
Asteroid! Spaaaaace! by fydoJan 26, 2018
1 Space by FydaJan 26, 2018
Skiing by FydaJan 26, 2018
2 A fish outta water! by fydoJan 26, 2018
1 This train goes all the way around the world! by fydoJan 26, 2018
The wall will protect us from the giant snowmen! by fydoJan 27, 2018
Just some fun shapes and colors :D by fydoJan 27, 2018
Birdy lures its prey in, with a trap set and ready to go! by fydoJan 27, 2018
1 'X' Marks The Spot by FydaJan 29, 2018
1 Space Debris by FydaJan 29, 2018
Zoom zoom! More space scenes! by fydoJan 31, 2018
A View of Beyond by FydaFeb 6, 2018
1 Peaceful Countryside by FydaFeb 7, 2018
Allllways watching... by fydoFeb 8, 2018
1 Mountain Observatory by fydoFeb 8, 2018
1 Microscopic by FydaFeb 8, 2018
1 A magical waterfall! by fydoMar 11, 2018
2 Under the Microscope by Jeff PowersMar 17, 2018
1 Snowy Greeting by FydaMar 19, 2018
1 Where does the water come from? by Jeff PowersMar 25, 2018
Space plane? by DyldudyMar 25, 2018
Water vortex... IN SPACE by DyldudyMar 25, 2018
2 SarRlaaaaack Piiiyet! by Jeff PowersMar 28, 2018
Peaceful landscape by Pyros ShadeApr 1, 2018
1 The Grand Space Mouth by DyldudyApr 7, 2018
1 NMS by RazielDSMJun 6, 2018
1 Testing animated tiles! by glacierJun 7, 2018
Space Fish by GrunionJul 24, 2018
Sleeping by GrunionJul 24, 2018
3 Preying on a Black Hole by SybirhinAug 16, 2018
2 Waterfall Tunneltown-on-the-Void by glacierAug 16, 2018
Melting Skies by SybirhinAug 16, 2018