Crows Crows Crows: Spooky Business
a quilt started by ⭐dom on Oct 21, 2021, completed on Oct 28, 2021- Description
Theme: "Spooky Business"
Welcome to the first Crows Crows Crows Community Quilt! In celebration of the spooky season, together we’re going to explore the horrors at the intersection of ‘Halloween’ and ‘Business’. While facing your worst fears, remember to integrate your art with your neighbor and leave a usable edge for the next artist!
Gather around everyone (except Steve)
As the crows gather on all hallow’s eve
And they conduct business of terror and dread
Making sweet deals in the sickening depths
Horrors all slimy and vicious and vile
But also dressed sharply and always on time
Now when the creatures come, these crows will fly
until they find perch next to that Stanley guy
Run by the Crows Crows Crows Discord Community - Discord and Twitter.- Dimensions
- 7x6 rectangular tiles, each 92x60 pixels in size
Visible border of 16 pixels available for collaborating
Edges of the quilt wrap both horizontally and vertically - Visibility
- Tiles only become visible when the quilt administrator decides!
- Checkout Rules
- You'll have 24 hours to complete your tile after checkout
A maximum of 2 tiles per user, please - Palette
- Only colors from the Spooky 12 palette are allowed. The server will clamp any offending colors to the nearest color from this palette!
- Contributors (39)
- DankOnline (2), Opus. (2), voks (2), 0Davgi0 (1), ⭐ack (1), ⭐arisuki (1), Automatree (1), ⭐Ayunema (1), Bizzer0 (1), brighton (1), Broomstick (1), Diefonk (1), ⭐dom (1), eight (1), Electro_A_Person (1), Encfa-17 (1), glacier (1), HonestWilliam (1), jayevrd (1), Kosmos (1), LaurensLair (1), LunarRaconteur (1), Mariner102 (1), minitoni (1), neonjays (1), Owl Music (1), PartyWumpus (1), PlushInMyMush (1), ryson (1), Shinyquarks (1), spbrian (1), Spiderwebc (1), Sturfall (1), Surreptitious (1), ThespoopymanExisting (1), turtletown (1), Wash (1), Wickinger (1), xinnabunny (1)
- Completion
- 42 tiles completed! - Download 644x360 PNG
Click a tile for info...
23 You can't escape Clippy by neonjays
15 One of Two Certainties by xinnabunny
15 🎃You're out of your gourd...🎃 by ⭐arisuki
10 busines crow by jayevrd
10 👻 Spooky-Ooky Business Ghost! 💶 by glacier
9 This Skull Spider Says “Hello, How Are You Going On This Fine Day? I’m On My Way To The Skull Spider Store To Buy A Alien Isolation For My PlayStation Four Pro Video Game System” by Opus.
8 Starter Tile for Spooky Business by ⭐dom
7 The Flesh Of God? by Opus.
7 Most Evil Employee of the Year 1951 by minitoni
7 vok's spooky tile by voks
15 One of Two Certainties by xinnabunny
15 🎃You're out of your gourd...🎃 by ⭐arisuki
10 busines crow by jayevrd
10 👻 Spooky-Ooky Business Ghost! 💶 by glacier
9 This Skull Spider Says “Hello, How Are You Going On This Fine Day? I’m On My Way To The Skull Spider Store To Buy A Alien Isolation For My PlayStation Four Pro Video Game System” by Opus.
8 Starter Tile for Spooky Business by ⭐dom
7 The Flesh Of God? by Opus.
7 Most Evil Employee of the Year 1951 by minitoni
7 vok's spooky tile by voks
DankOnline @CreativeOpus @voksul 0Davgi0 ack @alisuca3 Automatree @ayunema610 @biscuitboy1211 brighton @BroomstickHero @Diefonk @zerstoerer eight Electro_A_Person Encfa-17 @windfallapples HonestWilliam @jayevrd @IIKosmosII LaurensLair @LunarRaconteur Mariner102 minitoni @neonjays @beckyOwlmusic PartyWumpus @cmeldonlee ryson Shinyquarks spbrian Spiderwebc Sturfall Surreptitious ThespoopymanExisting turtletown @_thewash @Wickinger02 @xinnabunny