Blobbing4Pixels' Tale of a Journey

a quilt started by Blobbing4Pixels on Sep 4, 2021, completed on Dec 1, 2021

Theme: "Blobbing4Pixels' Tale of a Journey"
7x7 rectangular tiles, each 80x64 pixels in size
Visible border of 16 pixels available for collaborating
Edges of the quilt wrap both horizontally and vertically
Tiles become visible when their neighbours are complete
Checkout Rules
You'll have 24 hours to complete your tile after checkout
Only colors from Blobbing4Pixel's Custom palette are allowed. The server will clamp any offending colors to the nearest color from this palette!
Contributors (20)
ā­ack (14), shpleebly (5), ā­Virus610 (5), crambo (3), ā­Sodor (3), parota (2), PlushInMyMush (2), Sandalio (2), woody elmore (2), Bipin (1), Blobbing4Pixels (1), Chasode Kibuchi (1), Encfa-17 (1), fronbon (1), glacier (1), Gors (1), Owl Music (1), pastel (1), Tatro (1), ZaqInABox (1)
49 tiles completed! - Download 560x448 PNG     Creative Commons Licence
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ack shpleebly @Virus610 crambo @SodorOrchid parota @cmeldonlee Sandalio @woodyelmore Bipin Blobbing4Pixels Chasode Kibuchi Encfa-17 fronbon @windfallapples @Spritergors @beckyOwlmusic pastel Tatro @zaqinabox
1 Starter Tile for Blobbing4Pixels' Tale of a Journey by Blobbing4PixelsSep 4, 2021
4 Spongeball Roundhead Dimmadome in spaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaace by ā­Virus610Sep 9, 2021
2 +2 Golden Glaive of Gusts by ā­Virus610Sep 27, 2021
Color Blobs by Encfa-17Oct 23, 2021
Pirate ants by ā­ackOct 28, 2021
1 Leggy McLegday by ā­ackOct 28, 2021
1 Planet in the sky by ā­ackOct 29, 2021
6 Vortex to the 2-bit dimension by ā­Virus610Nov 1, 2021
6 Travel Weary Pixant by ZaqInABoxNov 2, 2021
1 fishing pier by ā­ackNov 6, 2021
1 Cow-a-bummer by ā­SodorNov 6, 2021
down stream by ā­ackNov 6, 2021
2 rocket to the sea by ā­ackNov 6, 2021
1 An Adventure That Lasts Longer Than Time by ā­SodorNov 6, 2021
bridging the gap by ā­ackNov 6, 2021
2 that can't be good by ā­ackNov 6, 2021
greeny cliffs by ā­ackNov 6, 2021
4 2 bits in 2 bits by ā­Virus610Nov 7, 2021
beware the vĢ“ĶŠĢ®Ģ–oĢøĢ”ĢƒĢŖĢ³iĢøĢ‚Ķ–Ģ—ĢœdĢ“ĶƒĶ’ĢŽĢ» by ā­ackNov 7, 2021
9 Escape from Saturn by GorsNov 7, 2021
colliding skies by ā­ackNov 7, 2021
1 gameboy in space by ā­ackNov 7, 2021
1 boat by woody elmoreNov 8, 2021
tornado over hobbits by woody elmoreNov 8, 2021
1 Beach Cat Adventure by ā­Virus610Nov 8, 2021
a crumbling transition by ā­ackNov 8, 2021
cliffside waterfall by ā­ackNov 8, 2021
3 Migratory stars by Owl MusicNov 10, 2021
2 World Eater by ā­SodorNov 11, 2021
3 Goopy boys from the void by PlushInMyMushNov 12, 2021
1 Goopy boys getting sucked away by PlushInMyMushNov 12, 2021
1 fork in the river by shpleeblyNov 16, 2021
1 stillacmatic by shpleeblyNov 16, 2021
river transition by shpleeblyNov 17, 2021
2 fishing by SandalioNov 19, 2021
emotional cliff face by SandalioNov 19, 2021
green boyo floating down the river by pastelNov 19, 2021
hills have eyes by cramboNov 19, 2021
space creeping in by cramboNov 19, 2021
some rock guys hanging out by fronbonNov 20, 2021
Wormy/snaily filler by Chasode KibuchiNov 21, 2021
boulder boy by cramboNov 21, 2021
kabloomy by BipinNov 21, 2021
1 blimp by TatroNov 22, 2021
sailing past the waterfall by parotaNov 24, 2021
a spreading infection by parotaNov 24, 2021
branching out by shpleeblyNov 26, 2021
the edge by shpleeblyNov 26, 2021
4 Journey's End šŸŽˆ by glacierDec 1, 2021