Game Boy Extravaganza!
a quilt started by fydo on Mar 23, 2021, completed on Jun 2, 2021- Description
- Hello friends! This is the 9th Game Boy quilt! Let's make some tiles with the Game Boy palette! No theme this time, but let's focus on really integrating those edges to make a big seamless image! Hide the grid!
- Dimensions
- 6x8 rectangular tiles, each 80x36 pixels in size
Visible border of 12 pixels available for collaborating
Edges of the quilt wrap both horizontally and vertically - Visibility
- Tiles become visible when their neighbours are complete
- Checkout Rules
- You'll have 24 hours to complete your tile after checkout
A maximum of 2 tiles per user, please - Palette
- Only colors from this particular Nintendo Game Boy palette are allowed. The server will clamp any offending colors to the nearest color from this palette!
- Contributors (31)
- Alligator07 (2), ⭐arisuki (2), ⭐Ayunema (2), Chasode Kibuchi (2), ChocoBoo (2), Drifton Aloft (2), dysphoria (2), Empress (2), Gilokk0 (2), Haboo (2), ⭐nateycakes (2), Outertoaster (2), ramrodwilly (2), Sk3ll (2), ThisTime (2), yinyangbeetl (2), ZaidoDayz (2), BigPotato (1), Formless World (1), fydo (1), glacier (1), JamesTDG (1), Jettshade (1), Jibs Jerky (1), myrmyxo (1), PikabooPixels (1), PotaJoe (1), StrawB (1), TwiGinTec™ (1), Vivifier (1), WaddleMcDude (1)
- Completion
- 48 tiles completed! - Download 480x288 PNG
Click a tile for info...
15 Moonin Comets by Alligator07
7 skull top by Sk3ll
6 Hoenn by StrawB
6 idk how to do scenery lol by Outertoaster
6 A snail of unusual chirality by ⭐arisuki
5 skull thing by Outertoaster
5 Midnight Date by ⭐arisuki
5 Cat Stretching by Empress
5 Keep watch over cloudy ghost-road by ⭐Ayunema
4 Factory Pollution Run Amok by ⭐nateycakes
7 skull top by Sk3ll
6 Hoenn by StrawB
6 idk how to do scenery lol by Outertoaster
6 A snail of unusual chirality by ⭐arisuki
5 skull thing by Outertoaster
5 Midnight Date by ⭐arisuki
5 Cat Stretching by Empress
5 Keep watch over cloudy ghost-road by ⭐Ayunema
4 Factory Pollution Run Amok by ⭐nateycakes
Alligator07 @alisuca3 @ayunema610 Chasode Kibuchi @FabiolaB00 @fr4cktur3d dysphoria Empress @gilokk0 @Haboocas @nateycakes_ @Outertoaster @ramrodwilly @sk3ll2 ThisTime @yinyangbeetl ZaidoDayz BigPotato @FormlessW @fydo @windfallapples JamesTDG @DanMangen @JibsJerky @myrmyxo @PikabooPixels @PotaJoe1 @StrawPact @TecGin Vivifier WaddleMcDude