Lospec: The Lab
a quilt started by KingW on Nov 19, 2020, completed on Nov 27, 2020- Description
Theme: "The Lab"
Help us build our our secret lab, where we will develop all kinds of new technology for the glory of Lozpekistan. Try to keep things within the sci-fi lab theme. This is the seventh pixel quilt organized by the Lospec Discord.- Dimensions
- 12x4 rectangular tiles, each 48x72 pixels in size
Visible border of 16 pixels available for collaborating
Edges of the quilt wrap both horizontally and vertically - Visibility
- Tiles become visible when their neighbours are complete
- Checkout Rules
- You'll have 24 hours to complete your tile after checkout
A maximum of 4 tiles per user, please - Palette
- Only colors from the SECAM palette are allowed. The server will clamp any offending colors to the nearest color from this palette!
- Contributors (25)
- BigPotato (4), IsaGamerStudios (4), KingW (4), Sk3ll (4), SymbolsWriter (4), ButtButtTheNobelButt (3), SpaceSandwich (3), CasualJoe (2), ChocoBoo (2), Panciraptor (2), thatscheesy (2), Big. Godon (1), cheasybred (1), Count Moriarty (1), Eryc (1), fydo (1), glacier (1), Jettshade (1), Jon Crescent (1), marsh (1), Red Penguin (1), SigilSquared (1), skeddles (1), WaddleMcDude (1), Weasel (1)
- Completion
- 48 tiles completed! - Download 576x288 PNG
Click a tile for info...
24 robt by Big. Godon
22 Frank and his Friend by BigPotato
19 metal sonic by Sk3ll
16 La folie inédite de la Dimension SÉCAM se déchaîne! by glacier
15 Mewtwo by ChocoBoo
13 Starter by KingW
12 Danger by SpaceSandwich
12 Spear inspects the lab by Panciraptor
12 Awating activation by ButtButtTheNobelButt
12 Dogs in the Labradory by Red Penguin
22 Frank and his Friend by BigPotato
19 metal sonic by Sk3ll
16 La folie inédite de la Dimension SÉCAM se déchaîne! by glacier
15 Mewtwo by ChocoBoo
13 Starter by KingW
12 Danger by SpaceSandwich
12 Spear inspects the lab by Panciraptor
12 Awating activation by ButtButtTheNobelButt
12 Dogs in the Labradory by Red Penguin
BigPotato IsaGamerStudios @King_Worrell @sk3ll2 @SymbolsWriter @ButtNobel @spacesandwich_ @CasualJoe5 @FabiolaB00 @Panciraptor @thatscheesytw @SsoSses cheasybred Count Moriarty Eryc @fydo @windfallapples @DanMangen Jon Crescent marsh Red Penguin SigilSquared @skeddles WaddleMcDude Weasel