Lospec: Birds

a quilt started by skeddles on May 15, 2020, completed on Jun 26, 2020

Theme: "Birds"
This is the second pixel quilt organized by the Lospec Discord. The theme is "Birds", and we want you to add some onto our tree! Please follow the layout of the tree and scene, and match the style as best you can. Make sure to use #6fddd5 for the sky color.
9x9 square tiles, each 32x32 pixels in size
Visible border of 16 pixels available for collaborating
Tiles become visible when their neighbours are complete
Checkout Rules
You'll have 24 hours to complete your tile after checkout
A maximum of 3 tiles per user, please
Only colors from the 24p DX palette are allowed. The server will clamp any offending colors to the nearest color from this palette!
Contributors (43)
skeddles (13), ButtButtTheNobelButt (3), ChocoBoo (3), Grunion (3), Jettshade (3), KingW (3), Mig Moog (3), ⭐Noxitive (3), Panciraptor (3), Sk3ll (3), ⭐abonbon (2), Braquen (2), cdaddr (2), Chasode Kibuchi (2), JamesTDG (2), Jezaiya (2), Majak (2), Mariothedog (2), AaronCuttleFish (1), Big. Godon (1), Deadcool (1), discogramma (1), Efigi (1), Euanverse (1), glacier (1), Golden Cookie (1), GooGroker (1), Goosyberry (1), JustJimmy (1), LienTheAlien (1), MedDaKvas (1), peter griffin from family guy (1), Pokepika5 (1), Polyducks (1), Qwerty (1), Red Penguin (1), reverie (1), Rhoq (1), Risky Biznu (1), Robocat12 (1), Skullsalad (1), Unsettled (1), veehive (1)
81 tiles completed! - Download 288x288 PNG     Creative Commons Licence
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2 Starter: Tree Trunk 1 by skeddlesMay 15, 2020
2 Starter: Tree Trunk 2 by skeddlesMay 15, 2020
2 Starter: Tree Trunk 3 by skeddlesMay 15, 2020
2 Starter: Tree Trunk 4 by skeddlesMay 15, 2020
2 Starter: Tree Trunk 5 by skeddlesMay 15, 2020
3 Starter: Tree Trunk 6 by skeddlesMay 15, 2020
2 Starter: Tree Trunk 7 by skeddlesMay 15, 2020
2 Starter: Tree Trunk 8 by skeddlesMay 15, 2020
2 Starter: Tree Trunk 9 by skeddlesMay 15, 2020
2 Starter: Tree Branch by skeddlesMay 15, 2020
3 Bird by GrunionMay 15, 2020
15 "Food Chain" by MedDaKvasMay 16, 2020
2 Lil Burbs by Risky BiznuMay 16, 2020
3 Great tit by ButtButtTheNobelButtMay 16, 2020
2 Cherry blossoms flying across magnificent duck by Pokepika5May 16, 2020
8 Crashmo Bird by Red PenguinMay 16, 2020
2 Cuculi by ChocoBooMay 16, 2020
4 Chincol berb love by ChocoBooMay 16, 2020
8 : ) by Big. GodonMay 17, 2020
1 The Spicy Demon by PanciraptorMay 17, 2020
4 remember joust by peter griffin from family guyMay 18, 2020
11 Macaw by SkullsaladMay 18, 2020
8 Duck Game by GrunionMay 19, 2020
3 Duck Hunted! by JamesTDGMay 19, 2020
1 Finally got one! by JamesTDGMay 19, 2020
4 Nest by Chasode KibuchiMay 19, 2020
4 Fatty Sally by skeddlesMay 21, 2020
4 mama bird brought a snack by Mig MoogMay 23, 2020
6 Ezylryb - Legend of the Guardians by JustJimmyMay 24, 2020
1 Television bird by Robocat12May 24, 2020
3 orbirds by reverieMay 25, 2020
1 Branch start by ButtButtTheNobelButtMay 25, 2020
8 Bird? by ButtButtTheNobelButtMay 25, 2020
4 Macaw Friend by Sk3llMay 25, 2020
2 Flamingo by Sk3llMay 25, 2020
2 Mr. Crabman, bring me cuisine (bung, bung, bung, bung) Make him the goodest that I've ever seen (bung, bung, bung, bung) by Golden CookieMay 26, 2020
2 Quetzal by PanciraptorMay 26, 2020
1 bons birb by ⭐abonbonMay 26, 2020
3 Lugia by PanciraptorMay 26, 2020
5 The Tree by GrunionMay 27, 2020
1 left wing by Sk3llMay 28, 2020
3 Quetzal Kiss by DeadcoolMay 28, 2020
2 Rafi Raven by ChocoBooMay 30, 2020
by discogramma by discogrammaMay 31, 2020
5 A Harpy Is A Kind of Bird; the Audubon Society Told Me So. by glacierMay 31, 2020
3 1-10 How Feathery Would You Say? by RhoqMay 31, 2020
2 Birdsnest by LienTheAlienJun 3, 2020
7 Hot Chick by JezaiyaJun 3, 2020
4 trio by ⭐abonbonJun 4, 2020
4 Dude i don't know man by JezaiyaJun 4, 2020
2 It's Cockatiel time! by JettshadeJun 5, 2020
8 Party Birbs by ⭐NoxitiveJun 5, 2020
It's a F!#"ing Emu! by ⭐NoxitiveJun 7, 2020
Wood-pecker by EuanverseJun 12, 2020
1 Big Noodly-Arms Bird by EfigiJun 14, 2020
2 He's here for moral support. by JettshadeJun 14, 2020
8 "How'd they even get up here?" by JettshadeJun 14, 2020
lover birbs by QwertyJun 14, 2020
2 Surveillance Bird by GooGrokerJun 15, 2020
5 worm by veehiveJun 19, 2020
4 Indoors by cdaddrJun 20, 2020
4 Lost Bird by BraquenJun 21, 2020
2 I feel happy~ by cdaddrJun 22, 2020
11 Untitled Quilt Game by GoosyberryJun 24, 2020
8 GOOD MORNING BIRD IS HERE by skeddlesJun 24, 2020
2 Just filling things in :) by KingWJun 24, 2020
6 Borb by KingWJun 24, 2020
1 Bird Up by ⭐NoxitiveJun 24, 2020
2 Cloudy sky- Wait, why is there is sign here? by KingWJun 24, 2020
3 Angry Birds by MariothedogJun 24, 2020
5 Just a cloud by skeddlesJun 24, 2020
5 Kingfisher by MajakJun 25, 2020
3 O.O by UnsettledJun 25, 2020
4 Chill hummingbird songs to chill/relax to by Mig MoogJun 25, 2020
1 Upside-down bord by BraquenJun 25, 2020
1 There's always a bigger fish by MariothedogJun 25, 2020
4 The dove and the worm by PolyducksJun 26, 2020
2 Hello world! by MajakJun 26, 2020
5 You never saw anything.... by AaronCuttleFishJun 26, 2020
2 Birdhouse by Chasode KibuchiJun 26, 2020
3 It's a lovely day in the neighborhood ♥ by Mig MoogJun 26, 2020